Why do you raid?

Gear and Progression.

I only time Iā€™ve ever entered a raid non-solo (aside from one very grumpy Xavius LFR visit) was because someone was asking for help in chat many an expansion ago.

They didnā€™t get any replies after several requests, so I explained I wasnā€™t a raider, had never been in Icecrown Citadel and didnā€™t know any of the fights but that if they couldnā€™t find anyone else, Iā€™d try to help. We cleared it (I died once in an iceblock because I didnā€™t realize I could order my pet to free me and once because the lich king pitched me off the platform). The person didnā€™t realize the original reward mount (?) had been removed and that seemed to confuse and bother him that I didnā€™t get it more than it bothered me.

Itā€™s not the sort of experience I seek out, but I was happy to do my civic duty and help someone who clearly appreciated the assist.

I donā€™t. I donā€™t see a need to challenge myself ever basically. I play to relax and escape. I do an occasional LFR just to see the story, but would prefer a solo-only mode of the raids that were handheld walkthroughs and dropped no gear, just so I can see the story.

This is really the only reason I raid anymore.

Iā€™m trying to save Azeroth dude.

Why do you raid?

To protect home, and familyā€¦ to preserve balance, and bring harmony.

I like the challenge of killing raid bosses coupled with the chance at loot.

I gave up on it. Canā€™t find a guild that has a casual approach wherein they donā€™t boot you if you get stuck at work and donā€™t make a raid night. Or they raid from 11:00pm to 2:00am, cause thatā€™s a normal schedule. Or itā€™s not really a guild per se, just a group of 4-5 RL friends who use everyone else to accomplish their in-game goals.

Had a great guild right up through Cataclysm, and that expac broke them. Havenā€™t found a replacement since.

Sheer coordination with others through voice chat. Debating boss strategies and tank positioning. My guild is starting to rely on me more as a tank, especially since my Legion guild taught me a lot about raid strategy.

If only you were Alliance. Descendants of Lore is a casual raid guild. We bring as many raiders as we can fit in a normal raid (average 12). We are slowly progressing through normal (still on Blockade, but we are making progress) and hope to hit up Heroic soon. Canā€™t make a raid? They respect that we are all adults and have lives outside of WoW. Best guild Iā€™ve ever been a part of since WoLK.

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Better question?

Why only M+ and mythic raiding offer hope of getting any upgrades.

no one runs heroics. When ya had a chance at legendary item drops people did old stuff including incursions for that chance.

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Not doing a very job then, are you? ;p

On a more serious note, I like challenging content and I love progression. Also getting to raid with 19 other people and hang out and joke around while raiding gives it extra points.
Also, gotta save the worldā€¦of warcraft, dude.

Why Iā€™d like to raid - because it is fun.
Why I donā€™t raid - because I canā€™t find a raid team since my two raid groups died over Christmas.

because thereā€™s nothing else in game like that moment when a boss your team has been been beating their faces against for weeks finally goes down.


This is pretty much how I feel. It is fulfilling just to spend time with friends working together to accomplish a goal.

If I had time, Iā€™d do Normal/Heroic raiding.

Alas Iā€™m just a LFR hero :grin:

To ask why do we raid, is like to ask why do leaves fall.

We raid to protect our faction. To earn our loot. To watch the lore.
We raid because is in our natureā€¦ to do anything an npc asks us to do in exchange of a reward!

The better question is: Who do you raid for?!

This is why I raid right here.