I’m not sure why, but every game it seems I play a melee attack archetype.
When I played Runescape I was a dude who ran around in armor with a 2H sword; I trained my strength and attack levels, in Elder Scrolls I was a Red guard who ran around with a sword and shield in heavy armor and beat up Daedra.
I’ve tried out other classes but nothing sticks like a warrior, it’s not flashy or cool to be honest it’s kind of boring but I still enjoy it, it clicks.
What’s your reason?
I’m the same way. Always played melee in every game. I think it has alot to do with it fitting my personality best. There’s not much finesse about me. Never been the type.
I solo a lot, so I need the armor to stay alive. I like the melee gameplay, tried a mage, priest, etc… did more damage but have to watch my health all the time…i like warriors because we can stand there and take it…in pve anyway, in pvp we get frozen, stunned, sapped…get to watch other classes heal fully up several times in a fight…why am i a warrior again?
Mythic plus is very sad to casters right now. It’s greater source of content over raiding has tipped the scale to melee. Honestly melee is just more satisfying.
every class in the game is effected by crowd control
but as warrior you have a counter to all those abilities
I actually started my WoW career as a mage, but back when my guild needed a tank for AQ I decided I’d give it a try and rolled a warrior.
Fell in love with tanking. Since then I’ve tried tanking on other classes, but for whatever reason they just never feel as “right” to me as my warrior. Always seems to be the perfect balance of dps to survivability and now mobility.
I like getting in peoples faces and smacking them for huge crits. gives me such satisfaction to take half a players/npcs health down in one swing.
I don’t know.
Beats talking to my kids, I guess.
I like Fury’s fast pace and love dual wielding weapons.
I used to play ret, and ret got less and less fun over the years, so I tried fury.
It’s got a much more active playstyle and I can play the races I actually want to play, so it’s a big winner in my book.
I’m a tank, it’s what i do. May as well play the best one. Besides healers dig it.
I just love the bulkiness. The rage, shouting to demoralize my enemy. I feel wild. Charging all over the place. Just a cool concept. Roars, shouts, even a howl! A berserker of sorts… I’ve had my warrior since 2009 and I look forward to many many more years!
Fury Warrior (Undead) was my first class/spec in 2009. My buddy did the RFA thing with me and we got to 60 but I had no Whirlwind (quest we never did and I didn’t know anything) so I abandoned him for my DK. Made my second Warrior (this one in 2010 as a Dwarf) and have played it every expansion since then. I mostly played as a Protection Warrior through the years.
After a while of playing I feel like you eventually find the class(es) that you identify with the most or enjoy the most. Warrior and DK are that for me. Plus I can’t play non Goblins.
I am not stealthy, and while I am far from stupid, the mage archetype has never fit. I would be a frontline fighter for certain. If I was not a type 1 diabetic, I wonder if I would have ended up in the military honestly.
My birth sign in the Elder Scrolls series is The Warrior (Last Seed = August) and that has always been the archetype I gravitate towards. I am just a warrior at heart you could say.
because my guild needs battle shout
Varok Saurfang
It’s the strength-based equivalent of Monk, a trained, no magic, no bull (sans Taurens) version of the wiggly finger agility-based melee wizards. Master of arms with no time for the arcane. The only factors are discipline, skill, and raw power.
Oh, and their glutes are so powerful, they can jump to heaven Valhalla.
My gnome warrior is based of a Halfling Barbarian character I played in a good friends homebrew D&D game. I had a blast with that character and recreated the toon in WOW for the Hahas. Thematically is fun being a tiny ball of fury and rage and It was blast to level and progress with. If only feral druid had the savagery of fury warrior and didn’t play like a diet rogue I would have stuck with my Guardian druid.
I enjoyed their tanking mechanics which is why I made mine but I had to switch to dps in the guild I was in originally and I had a knack for Fury so I was never let back into the tank roll.
I really enjoy the speed of the Spec and how it feels to get it right. Only class that I’ve enjoyed near that has been a demonlock. I was always SMF though and have been bitter since it was removed, so hell or high water I’m going back to it.
Unless we have no warlocks again.
martial prowess is just cooler to me than magical crutches
probably stems back to refusing to use power weapons in halo, cause they were “cowardly” or something dumb like that
while I grew out of that, I still love a fighter that makes due with their own strength and wit