Why do you play on Emerald Dream?

Whaaaaat? NO way dude…
Us Shu’halo stomp the little Dwarves or step over the little tiny pests. :slight_smile:


Don’t get me started on some of the post battle bbqs we’ve had you bovine antagonist! :joy:


I came here as suggested by a friend to try CBH out… since I have been the community has grown on me, as I have surrounded myself with good ppl on both sides (I might not actually interact with horde that much outside of attacking and being attacked by them, but quite a few of them have been fun to play with, and u get to the point where there is a healthy rivalry going, that both sides can have fun with…

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Its because I have some friends here that play on this server.

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The hype and drama, plus getting into some RP. WPVP is amazing also.

Because deathwing comes soon! Rather be here with the fine server folks before the end!


Ya don’t say

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came from bleeding hollow for the WPVP. ended up with a lot of friends. so i stay

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