Why do YOU play a Hunter?

I play one because it’s an easy solo class to level for all of the reasons you itemized.

To feel like a badass.

Last night I drove my motorcycle off a cliff, then while my Goblin rocket boost propelled me through the air, I fired a harpoon into a nearby mob and proceed to pelt him with wildfire bombs and poisoned arrows while a raptor and a cannon (trinket) tore him to pieces.

I’ve never had this much fun solo questing!

I play BM Hunter for a few reasons.

  1. I am playing alone 99% of the time. I’m not in a guild though I used to be in a heavy raiding guild back in Vanilla and BC on the Alliance side. So I mostly need to play classes that can solo content.
  2. I like animals. I can pick and tame pretty much any animal to play with alongside.
  3. I don’t PVP much, but when I do I get smoked by every other class, lol. I dont consider myself a pvp’r, but dang man, BM hunters are horrible at pvp. The damage output is sad. I just opened up the Mag’Har Allied race and I am looking into some other classes to play.
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I hunt therefore I AM.

Hunters benefited from every stat in the game. Decent players knew to let casters get their intel gear and melee get their melee weapons as it would benefit them more than the hunter. But people who didn’t know much about the game would roll on everybody’s loot.

So to be “creative” with their salt, people merged the word hunter and retard. Much like Retardin for rets. Since druids don’t have the letter T on their name, I’ll just call you Kuntna instead.

Hunters have a whole 10 sec rotation that they have to do. Weaving in aimed shots and multishots. If you really want a class that anybody at any age can pick up, go for frost mage. Literally spam frost bolt for 3 entire raid tiers.

When vanilla was going through alpha/beta, I was reading about every class and what weapons they could use. Nothing really caught my attention until they announced hunters.

Just the amount of gear types you could wear, from cloth to leather and mail at later levels. The amount of weapon choices we had compared to other classes. Our customization goes even further when we get to tame a beast of our choice.

So hunters stick out more than the rest. Rogues will have their daggers but a hunter will have a 2her sword, a gun, and a panther pet. The other hunter next to him will be DW 1h axes, using a bow, and a crab pet.

Nobody knew how their classes would play out in vanilla. So I went with ranged and highly customizable.

I watched a video of this guy one time using Eyes of the Beast to kill people who had just finished dueling outside of Orgrimmar with his pet crab. There was a lot of sweet stuff you could get away with as a Hunter back in the day. World pvp was pretty interesting too depending on where people came after you; sometimes disengage could get you to places where they couldn’t attack you. I used to fake people off of the bridge in arena with disengage. It bought a lot of attack time.

To Brang’s comment: I loved when Hunters used both weapons AND a bow. It’s a cool look. Wing Clip -> disengaging was sweet in pvp, and of course it’s the most similar to Link XD. Warriors come close too, but you never see the ranged weapon until they use it.

Because I hate leveling I’d rather afk than lvl an alt I started out as a hunter 15 years ago been a hunter since same character. That’s how much I hate leveling and being lazy.

Because being a highly mobile ranged class with a spammable rocket launcher sounded dope as hell