Why do YOU dislike BFA?

Now that’s a well thought out and detailed thread. I agree with most all your points (I don’t pvp so I don’t really have an opinion about that stuff). My number one biggest complaint is the time gate on flying. It’s unnecessary and feels spiteful. The devs want to control players instead of letting them organically have fun. Every time someone discovers a fun feature of a toy or combination of toy/engineering item it IMMEDIATELY gets nerfed to the ground. Why? Because the devs didn’t envision the items being used like that. It’s a TERRIBLE practice to continually nerf fun.


Overall, I don’t.

But there are a few things that could be better…

The artifact this time around was a little annoying. Azerite gear was crap, hated it.

The whole expac is not very alt-friendly. (mostly gateing the war campaign behind the rep) Getting tired of grinding out Honorbound and 7th Legion rep over and over again. One toon per faction should be able to unlock the campaign for all their characters on that server.

WM could be a little better balanced. I go out with WM on I don’t see any Alliance with WM on, then I do and it’s a pack of 10 to 20, and I smartly run away.

That is pretty much it for me. Overall I am fairly happy with BFA>


Overall, I like BfA. However, I don’t disagree that there’s too much RNG and time gating.

Also, I’ve been very disappointed in the mass removal of so many different things throughout the game. Removal of portals, removal of granular guild permissions, removal of a mount’s special ability, character pruning, toy restrictions–the list feels never ending.

It’s almost like Blizz is trying to sabotage themselves.

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The rep grind.
The boring quests.
The rehashing of those boring quests for rep grind.
The fact that there are hills everywhere but you can’t climb most of them so your stuck going around and around to get anywhere.
The fact the art team spent more time on screen shot bait than Allied Race customization despite it being the main gimmick of the expansion.


getting weaker as we level
mountains, mountains everywhere
no tier-sets
ability loss
allied races behind rep-wall instead of quest-chain
no moving while healing on mist-weavers
a million expedition mounts that never drop
kul’tiras being colourless and boring
horde being the bad guys
MoP 2.0…

and probably more reasons i can’t think of i got a lot of reasons to hate bfa.


I put my entire essay right here.

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No, Blizzard did, they killed off Vol’jin and he would have made a FANTASTIC Warchief. I’m super salty about that one. What ever happened to Vol’jin cutting down Garrosh as he promised for the death of Carine Bloodhoof? I would have loved to have seen Garrosh about to kill Thrall and then the sound of arrows comes and Garrosh falls over dying as the Warchief of the Horde stand over top of him saying “I told ya mon’ me arrows sicking out ur chest be the last thing ya be seein”.

So much potential an nothing, he was used like cannon fodder.


garbage story

garbage pvp system

garbage classes


Preach it. Vol’Jin deserved so much more.


Ya, IMO one of the most bad arss moments of the horde was the capture of Garrosh in MoP when Varrian was ready to “have words” with the Warchief of the horde. As Thrall moved to the side there was Vol’jin, and there he crouched and was still as tall as Varrian. And Varrian was like oh Shat, not him, wtf do I do now? I will act tough and hope this giant Troll doesn’t eat me.

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OK, I just nearly choked on my popcorn right there. Thank you for the laugh.

(You know a post is too long when you have to keep hitting Page Down to reach the end…)


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What I liked most about that was that there was no need to talk about it. Everyone just knew Vol’jin was next in line. They really should have let him kill Garrosh. Thrall had his lime light in Cata and most Horde players lost their respect for him during that, since he basically went “oh I can’t be responsible enough to run the Horde but also let me try and save the world because my self doubt is selective” so I don’t know why they thought we needed more of that arc.


Humour, its a concept whose time has come. :upside_down_face:

Or maybe you’re just too lazy to read and your only purpose is to troll. Yeah, I think it’s that.


Hmm, and it seems your only way to respond is by personal insult. Which is way more trollish, really.



Meh, really man your post is not that long, I can go find one the I saw the other day it was like 5 pages long easy. I was not going to spend and hour reading that fellows post, it was crazy long.

So, I would just ignore them and not feed the trolls.


That was a funny comment but I get your point too.

I also agree with a lot of what you said, I read the whole thing. Loved the set up, made it easy. Good job.

Anyway, they took too long to release PF2 imo. Also, I just can’t seem to find any interest in logging in now.
I love the game but I just can’t get into it. It bores me which is strange because I can really get into boredom, make my own fun and all.
Just don’t want to anymore.

  • They dragged everything out too far.
  • While I do need to upgrade my computer, I shouldn’t be experiencing so many disconnects & stuttering, etc… it’s really gotten on my nerves and is also why I lack interest in playing.

BfA is no MoP but it’s better than the rest, not that any expansion is bad.

Imagine taking a story that a lot of players hated and making an entire expansion from it. But this time, not improving on any of the criticism, and double down on everything.

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The story and just how forced and stupid it feels to watch. Everytime I see Saurfang I’m reminded of how bad it feels.

Oh, and pvp, hate what they did to it. Legion PvP was reasonable and provided incentives to actually do it and level it up. But BFA has none of that, no PvP WQ’s in an expansion all about faction warfare.