We know why many people come here. It’s to give or get some information. But why do you come back? For me it’s the role play.
I’ve never seen such pure roleplay anywhere else in warcraft with the possible exception of a battleground. The immersion here is complete and seamless.
Why do you come back?
Also, Harlequin’s Bells must return to The Trading Post!
It’s kinda like playing WoW on my phone. Same juices flowing in my head. It’s also like a chewing gum for the brain to participate in all the endless game discussions. Sometimes I think I should start writing, instead of spending time posting essays on this forum.
I check the forums whenever a new expansion drops. Sometimes I’ll post a bit, other times not. Then, about a month or two later, I’ll drop off them until the next expansion.
I do it mostly out of curiosity … to get a feel for the general community, or at least a feel for the type of people that end up posting comments.
Since OG GA, not much has changed with regard to the types of comments on here.