Why do we still not have an answer to Guild Permissions after 7 months?

Blizzard, Ion, why do we still not have an answer to the Guild Permissions and UI? It’s been 7 months since this started. I believe 5 Q&As… 5 Q&As and you can’t come onto the forums to tell us “We have no plans on changing this” or “We will be changing the Permissions back but we’re working on other things at the moment”. A simple, yes it’ll get changed back or no it’s not is all we want to know.

You know what you have answered though? Answered class-sets questions for 3 Q&As in a row. Answered power jump between tiers for in 2 Q&As. Answered questions about Valor Point systems in 2 Q&As. Answered increasing character slots for 2 Q&As in a row. But you can’t answer a question about Guild Permissions that’s been an issue for over half a year.

I get that you’re trying to kill guilds off by not adding anything to them prior to my time of playing WoW, pushing communities, and not adding more things for Guilds but why did you have to merge the permissions into 1 button?

You’re deliberating ignoring Guilds. One of the backbones of the game and just going to brush them off to the side. I don’t even know why I bother anymore.

For anyone that thinks I’m bullmessing about the issue being 7 months or you don’t read the forums often, look at the last main thread for the Guild Permisions & UI.


Yah, this actually does need to be addressed

It just…doesn’t make much sense


Gosh, I posted so many times in that thread to support as an officer in my guild I have no idea what else to add. It truly does feel like Blizzard wants to kill guilds for their communities that are not quite working as it seems to have hoped.


They don’t care about guilds.

At all.

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It is now after the release of the next raid and we still DO NOT have an answer to this?