Why do we need two games?

Which server does that? Which mythical pserver is just like blizz accept without blizz?

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There are a lot more people that will pay $15/month to play on Blizz Classic servers. There will be real GM’s and devs. I have zero interest in playing on a private server, but will 100% play Classic.
Why do you think private servers are shutting down? They know people will flock to Classic once it launches.

None of your posts contribute to any discussion. You just run around telling everyone that you think their threads and posts are irrelevant
 on top of throwing around inaccurate insults.


This is the “Classic Vanilla” Forum
Not the “Butt Hurt Retail Players Classic Will Be Taking My Precious Retail Resources Thread Forum”

If you want to complain to ActiBlizz send them an email. No need to clutter up this forum with retail whining.

You’re just salty just because ActiBlizz is even making Classic. If you don’t plan on playing it don’t post in the forum. No one here wants to hear your belly aching over classic.

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Irrelevant. People are asking about Classic, and this thread is specifically asking why people want Classic. He’s not questioning anyone’s desires, he’s genuinely asking why people feel the way they do.

You’re not a mod, stop trying (and failing) to be.

There have been threads on this subject already, OP needs to learn to use the Search function.

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There have been threads on every topic. Are you gonna go whine in those duplicate threads too? And more info has been announced since other threads were made, and bringing back dead threads is frowned upon.

The only people whining are Retail players who have this jealousy thing going on and nothing better to do than clutter up the Classic Vanilla Forum.

So if the OP just used his head and did a search he could’ve easily found the old threads and read them without even adding to them, problem solved.

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Or he can create a new thread for discussion, and hopefully mini-mods won’t nitpick and throw a hissy fit over it.

Done replying.

Go back to the retail forums

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bc i dare say the subset of people wanting Classic to be successful are not entirely a matching population to the people that Play (and enjoy?) Retail for a complete conversion to be anything less than a subscription nose-dive on current WoW

Two different audiences, so two different games are made.
Simple as that.

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Thought you were done?

I’m done arguing with that guy. What does that have to do with replying to other posts?

Stop trying to stir the pot.

Crapaclysm removed a LOT of content from the game and replaced it with new, boring content I can’t go through more than once without getting a strong urge to just boost past it
 into content I really don’t care about anyway but I have this compulsion to not RP until I’m at max level.

Classic has all that content that got removed, plus better gameplay, PLUS it’s more of a sandbox than modern WoW. I won’t have to hurry my butt to level cap either because there will in all likelihood be no expansions for Classic, which means yay I can actually get stuff done without it being made meaningless and with no stress attached.

THIS is why I want Classic.

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You really need to get banned.

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Why discuss this on the official Blizzard sponsored Classic Forums when there are private forums that provide the same thing for free?


Lol I’m the one stirring the pot. Yeah ok.

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We’re on the same page then. Bye.

  1. which has been answered 100 times over in other threads.
  2. he doesn’t accept the offers given anyway so your argument is silly.