Why do we get 30 minute dungeon deserter when removed?

The issue was letting it fester.

Sure every online thing has bad apples. But most tend to work on it.

For as toxic as people think league is (it is), at least they try to remedy it in various ways.

New player coming back isn’t OPT’d into Global Chat.

Barely played over the last few days and have seen at least 5 messages about toxic players being dealt with (I didn’t even have to report).

There is a difference between trying and failing, and just pure neglecting. cough Classic cough

Anyone else love hearing obviously made up versions of why they got kicked lol?

It’s like they don’t even try to be realistic :joy:


I vote to kick if i don’t like your transmog.


Getting the debuff when you get kicked is total BS. the debuff needs to be removed and only apply when you actually leave the dungeon early and not when a group of Holes vote kick you. I don’t know what the hell blizzard was thinking applying the debuff to people who get kicked. last I checked punishing the victim is considered bad.

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You definitely sound like a victim, great acting.


to discourage them from just requeueing and doing it again

Thanks, I try. :laughing:

It is a lockbox, who really cares. Roll need as well if someone else is. Easy fix.

Ok and in a few month you will be on the forums wondering why the game is dead.

well I didn’t think they’d kick me for simply saying “hey can you not do that?”

It is rare I talk in game other than hi when i first port in and ty all when I leave.

Would I kick you for it? no and I would not support a vote to do so, but then I really pay zero attention to what most people are talking about in the game anyway. I do my thing and leave.