Why do we continue to re-learn flying?

Time gated.

It’s not a player driven metric, said time gated is a developer driven metric.

WoW is not designed by players.

The more you know.

grounded makes geography meaningful.

Once. After that it’s tedium.

Got anything else?

no, every time.

No, grounded is lazy developers that can’t create a world that’s worth players’ time.

Grounded just proves Blizzard has no idea what it’s doing with WoW.

Flight isn’t complicated to design for over time.

Lazy dev’s just want to force fights and force encounters so that players can’t just fly around them like they honestly want so they can do what they find fun instead.


care to give other MMO examples of flying?

Fixed that a little for you :wink:

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Well, to type it…

WoW is not designed by and for the players.

The dev’s make sure of that!




Blizzard is not making quality content by a long shot.

Shadowlands and Battle For Azeroth each prove that without any doubt!


DOn’t even bother with him anymore .

Every response he gives in every thread he shows up in is basically everyone should play how he plays .


Just unsub instead, you’ll feel much better


I have unsubbed.

That, however, is no promise that Blizzard will choose to listen.


Nah, for now I prefer to engage.

Next earnings call is Feb. 3. Maybe something will finally shake things up and the direction will change.

Or the lawsuits will.

If Acti-Blizz’s leadership angle seems to be any indicator?

Please don’t delude yourself and expect anything different for WoW.

The upper level management seem to be deadset on leaving the Time Played being the optimum and intended way to interpret how well WoW is doing these days.

And that’s a BAD sign for the life and health of WoW.


I do enjoy pressing those types and watching them come up with absolute drivel.

He did name zones in response to your question.

However, last I checked, the problem with Blizzard is confusing effort for success.

I would think quite a lot. LFR was needed to justify the cost, so it was added into Cata ahead of schedule. (it was planned to be a MOP feature). Of course, I cannot give any metrics to support this, but oh well. Even if the story is bad, the raid typically is the story arc’s climax and plot twist. Castle Nathria capped off Revendreth’s campaign. Sylvanas’s encounter is a plot twist (…even if its bad…).

If I had to ballpark a number, I’d say 40%+ have defeated at least 1 raid boss. (any difficulty)

If I’d designed areas spending 100s of hours on the art of it, and the players couldn’t fly to see my work in its entirety, I’d be enraged.

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This post needs to stay at the top, relearning to fly is garbage game design.

This is also 100% the reason.

The devs get too emotional and take criticism of their awful game designs as a personal attack.

It’s why so many things in the game have become insufferable and take forever to change or not. See conduit energy