Why do we continue to re-learn flying?

It’s unpopular among players if you ignore all the players it’s popular with.

If you move to a new state or country, do you need to get a new drivers license?

New expansion, new flying license needed. Take your “courses” to earn (learn) to fly in the new world you have entered.

Its blizz game and thats how they made the game

You would have been paid to do your job. Your feelings are irrelevant.

Don’t like flying? Use your ground mount. Problem solved.


Bravo! Good ol’ appeal to authority argument. Gets’em every time.

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I mean really i can say why do i have to grind gear everytime ? or why do i have to lvl everytime, pointless post

Oh the irony…

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Yes, but that doesn’t make your car cease to work until you get a new license. It’s a regulatory scheme not a mechanical limitation.

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TIMEGATING = increased PLAYTIME METRICS, just giving the shareholders what they want.


Metrics and play time. Blizzard is convinced that people are motivated to play to unlock flying, so they lock it to encourage people to play to unlock.

It’s no more complicated than that.


If Blizz was a sports team, I’d say it’s time to rebuild.

It doesn’t mean I hate the team, I just want change for the better.

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because you have to train your dragon to fly. he forgets when he gets to a new area. confused.

To be fair, the art department is pulling their weight. I don’t like any of the Nathria or Sanctum gear designs personally but I think they fit the theme. The covenant sets are silly for the most part but still the art team has been putting in the effort, always, after like 2004 - 2006. Personally I find the original zones to be kind of lame and the early tier sets are lame in retrospect but that was also almost 18 years ago. Especially those generic rounded mountains that were used to cordon off the entire world and keep you away from the ocean because there was no reason to go there and you’d die etc.

It’s the game designers and the story directors who aren’t putting out quality.

Yes, eventually, you have to get a new license and state tags but that doesn’t mean your car magically stops working. It just means that you no longer get the benefit of the doubt once your tags from across the country are obviously expired and you’re driving illegally. You can still do it.


Becauses lawyers and accountants are way too overly concerned on metrics? :thinking:

Thats my guess.

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I would say that a game designed with treasures you have to make crazy jumps or drops to get is not designed with flying in mind, but rather the opposite.

They keep making us unlock flying meter by meter because they like to milk things for engagement metrics. That is the Blizzard business model.

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We relearn everything, we relearn exactly the same abilities with tiny tweaks and name changes

It’s one of the most blunt recycled low dev cost hamster wheels imaginable

10x the grind due to bloated systems so bliz takes away as much as they can to put anemic rewards across 10x the grind

It’s why the game feels so unrewarding and unproductive now

Instead of extra content or cosmetic rewards we just get nothing but extra currencies and rep bars and more of grinding our own abilities back now divided into 40 tiers of drudgery

Made by a team that is utterly out of touch with anything but metrics


he does live in his own little world doesnt he?

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