Why do the T 2.5 sets look so bad

You know, I fully agreed with you on this one until Classic. I was all about Might. That was my favorite. But now, a jet black tauren with full Wrath (helm hidden because screw the “hey everyone I had an axe jammed into my head” look), I’ve kinda changed my tune. It looks fantastic.

It does look much much better without the helmet turned on.

Pally and Warrior arent too bad tbh

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My Paladin on retail (blood elf, don’t judge me) uses the AQ40 set with the Twinblade of the Phoenix as his transmog.

I used AQ death dealers in retail until they changed the models and forgot to refit the helm and shoulders. After that I started mogging mid 30’s greens for a simpleton kinda look. I think my old rogue is in a a T9 mog now.

Each tier set reflects the raid that they come from.

Bug tier=bug set.

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I really liked some of the Legion tier pieces! Particularly from tier 20 and 21 plate.

An exterminator.

Speak for yourself I love basically all of the 2.5 sets.

I actually like T2.5 Rogue/Paladin/Warrior.

I strongly disagree. I think Classic and TBC had much better armor sets. You see, in the old days they didn’t have a whole lot of definition to work with so the artists went with big broad stylized armor sets.

As time went on they had more resolution to work with and the armor sets got more and more detailed… like your Legion example. So if you blow them up full screen like your screenshot there, they look amazing… but in actual game conditions you are never close enough to see those fine details (other than those handful of times you really zoom in to admire the new armor you just got).

So what you end up with most of the time is really bland generic looking armor sets.

This…that hunter T1 was SO bad

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