Why do ten thousand year old dragons behave like angsty teens?

Also back in vanilla dragons despised mortals for the most part and you started off Hated with the Brood of Nozdormu.


Before wow even launched there was this dude named Krasus that was all buddy buddy with another dude named Ronin.

Krasus was a red dragon and the “mate” of Alextrasza.

Dragon portrayal has been always like that, just look at the cataclysm ending cinematic as well.


Hated is probably more a gameplay mechanic than their actual feelings towards you. Mistrusted, stranger or something to that effect probably would be more accurate. You’re an unknown element. Even Night Elves cop that and they’re hardly enemies of dragons.


Aging is inevitable.

Growing up is optional.


How does one even portray something ancient anyways?

Old People don’t act much different from young people aside from knowing more information about things in their expertise and being behind the times.

For the latter we must sadly inform you that with the Medieval Stasis there is no chance of the Dragons being behind the times and everyone is being kept up to date it seems both young and old therefore the only thing differentiating young and old people is experience.

Experience can get rusty with lack of use so the ones with the most skill in Combat in WoW are the Players.

Now let us describe each of the Dragons:

Red Dragonflight:

Alexstrasza is like a storybook narrator physically present onscreen as an embodiment of Life Magic.

Sendrax is an ignorant yet well meaning cadet who gives her life for the one Flame-infused Egg that didn’t hatch and attack us.

Bronze Dragonflight:

Nozdormu nowadays sounds ancient and timeless.

Anachronos sounds ancient.

Chromie sounds young and lively.

Eternus sounds like someone wanting to save others.

Green Dragonflight:

Ysera sounds like a mother while Merithra sounds like her daughter as expected.

Ysondre sounds like an angry woman.

Emeriss sounds like a mass of disease.

Taerar sounds like a monster.

Lethon sounds like some old judge.

Black Dragonflight:

Wrathion sounds like a young Arab Prince while Sabellian sounds like an older Arab General who would like nothing more than to seize the throne from said Arab Prince.

Ebyssian sounds like an old leader.

Nefarian sounds like a warlord creating experiments out of boredom.

Neltharion sounds like warlord ruling a dark castle made of rock.

Deathwing sounds like a factory forge.

Sinestra sounds like an ill-tempered women.

For the Blue Dragonflight:

Malygos sounds wise as a ghost but alive he sounds like an arrogant echoing embodiment of Magic.

Sindragosa sounds like a wise winter queen.

Haleh sounds like a workaholic worrywart.

Kalecgos sounds like a worried young man.

Senagos sounds like a joyous wise old leader.

Azuregos sounds an grumpy scatterbrained old leader.

For the Primal Incarnates:

Raszageth sounds like an old witch.

Iridikron sounds like a cold animal.

Fyrakk sounds like a hothead after power.

Vyranoth sounds like a cold winter queen.

Is my description of these characters on point?

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I think the biggest mistake was the decision to anthropomorphize them.

They could’ve taken a cue from George R. R. Martin, instead of designing them like Disney characters. GRRM’s dragons are ancient, mysterious and in alot of ways incomprehensible. This was achieved just by not giving them any human characteristics.

Yes they are intelligent and have god-like abilities but they are also clearly feral beasts. They’re animals at the end of the day, which is part of what makes them so cool.


Age is almost never taken into account when WoW characters are developed. They’re simply developed with a specific narrative in mind, and then the “10,000 year age” is merely slapped on like a label.

If age was actually taken into account, you wouldn’t run into issues like Tyrande in MoP.


I view the friendliness as due to the players reputation as a hero, I like to think dragons breathe fire on random mortals all the time still.

looks at Alexstraza’s elven form for perhaps a little longer than needed


imo I’d like to see Alexstrasza dracarys someone before expansion ends. Or does her breath only heal?

Dragons in warcraft are the good guys, supposed to be protectors and guardians of Azeroth and those that live in it.

The portrayal some people want is honestly outside of the scope of wow.

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Living 10k years could definitely potentially make you less mature, not more. Everything starts to seem so petty, minor and temporary that you never treat anything with the seriousness or weight other people do, at least subconsciously.


Makes sense. People forget that azeroths dragons have seen multiple empires come and go in a short period. Everything becomes irrelevant when you’re that long lived

Because the current writers are emotionally stunted that’s why.


The main reason is catering to it’s audience. Even when they go a different direction character development has hardly been a strength of the writing team over the years with a few exceptions such as Arthas.

Relatability and having understandable motivations is also something you have to keep in mind. If you spend a 20+ hour campaign with a bunch of characters who all act like Vulcans, people are going to get turned off pretty fast. It’s hard to empathize with characters who are wiser and more level-headed than us.

Not saying you can’t pull it off, or even that I wouldn’t have preferred it, just saying I can understand the decision to make the dragons more emotional, impulsive and flawed.

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Age of Mortals. Why are we even interested in getting these musty reptiles their powers back?

I’m not here saying Odynn was right, and that Tyr’s dragon plan was terrible…But 3/5 of these things did sort of go off script and try to end the world at one time or another. We even picked up a spare, luckly this new one already tried world conquest on for size before the promotion. Really streamlined the process.

Not exactly the sort od beings we should be tripping over to help.

Nethlarion went insane because the titans didn’t ward him against the Old gods and their influences when they gave him his Earth Warder powers, Malygos went insane due to his former friend decimating his flight and than Malygos deciding all magic users were the problem and Ysera was corrupted by Xavius.

All outside influences that the watchers and the titans did nothing to protect their newly uplifted allies against. If anyone’s to blame for the perceived failure of the flights, it’s the titans and their watchers.

Neltharion was hearing whispers before even being ascended into an aspect.

Very tragic.


Blizzard is incapable of exploring much depth with their characters recently, so they resort to fairly base emotional ‘awwww’ moments. It’s not just dragons, Tyrande and Malfurion hugging is another one lol. It’s sweet, but what does it do for either characters who’ve both been written pretty awfully this whole time, or ignored? … not much.

They see the short-term response we have to, say, seeing a ‘beautiful bear’ die in a artistic cinematic, where we feel sad because pretty bear look sad and go poof, as more beneficial to them than the depth that comes from looking at was Ursoc would embody and his identity as a wild god incarnate of the strength and tenacity of living beings and the consequences of that death.