Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Say that Bob’s 10 hours of raiding encompassed 20 boss kills for the week.

As long as Bill’s 10 hours of solo play includes an equivalent challenge to those 20 boss fights over the couple weeks he spent working on it, I still believe it’s fair for him to receive an equivalent reward.

I’m not talking about doing a mount parade through Dalaran, but actively engaging in appropriately challenging content to earn a reward designed to help him prepare to undertake greater challenges.


No, there is no solo content thats even remotely close to difficult.

Solo players have access to normal raid level loot. Its more than enough.


And most MMO’s are trying to copy WoW only to find out why WoW’s exact model creates friction with players.

the model of catering to your largest audience?

…isn’t that what all MMO’s do?

A lot that try to copy WoW failed… because of Git Gud or Die. Name a “WoW Killer” that killed itself. I can think of at least three.


Wow is still git gud or die, and WoW is still here.

Not sure what you’re trying to say by this, but you clearly did not respond to what I posted, and this is an attempt at moving the goal post.

This is the heart of the contention as to why players argue against making end-tier gear available through solo play. If there is no equivalent difficulty solo encounter, then there is no justifiable way for solo players to earn end-tier gear through solo play content.

Those who are averse to participation in group play due to personal preference or circumstance find this situation to be objectionable. If they want to be geared comparably to their friends who raid or pvp, then they also must participate in these activities.

I understand that Blizzard has always emphasized group play as an important aspect for maintaining a sense of community in the player base, and that investing in development of solo play activities is not considered to be as high-return for many reasons. Among them, the higher load on the servers either due to the low number of players utilizing each instance or the high population of players occupying the same region, the additional required resources to develop and test this content, and the higher difficulty threshold for development in regards to presenting an equitable experience for all players regardless of the class and specialization.

All said, I still want to be ambitious and greedy in this regard. Just because it is difficult to do well, does not mean it is not worthwhile to do.

It may not be economically feasible for Blizzard to invest in developing in this area – that is for them to consider and decide.

I certainly won’t hold it against them if they continue in their current manner. It’s reasonable. But I will continue to hope for interesting adventures to come.


I never meant to come off as the guy who doesn’t want solo players to get their gear.

I would love it because that mentality of trying to get all types of players involved is healthy for the game.

Unfortunately it’s in very rough spot between time/effort/reward

Yeah. Because of the agreement with NetEase earlier on and the success of other IP’s later on.

Now WoW lost a lot of business with both faltering until Microsoft fixes things.

Either you support the queues or make grouping easier, or not and be a member of Team Git Gud.

I actively run +23 keys, for fun too.

I guess I’m part of team git gud, against my will for playing the game i guess lmao.

nods I hear you. I leveled up a priest alt in heirlooms running through BfA, and once she hit 50 and the heirlooms topped out, she couldn’t even queue for normal dungeons because she didn’t meet the item level requirement with her heirloom + quest reward combination. rueful


Then we don’t see eye to eye.

Stuff like this seems like its just there to make the life of a solo-player hell, and I don’t advocate for it.

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I tried my best to! sorry =[

That actually sums it up nicely. Well said!

/Raises glass

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The games reward system is based on difficulty and group content.

The level of difficulty required to award that gear wouldnt be able to be completed by them anyways. Solo players in general do not want hard content which is why everytime Blizz releases hard content the cry for nerfs is instant.

So no I dont want Blizz to add more content that will get nerfed and I will be required to do.

The cry for nerfs come from people like you. Not people like me.

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Negative. The screams for nerfs are def coming from the bad players that cant complete the content.

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Mythic raiding isn’t exactly hard when the addons provide a list of prompts that basically play the game for you. Follow instructions and play your class to some degree of competence and mythic raid/keys are pathetically easy. The challenge has never been the content, but the logistics of dealing with other players whether it’s scheduling or dealing with people who take nine years to learn how to dodge. Regardless, these activities are only time sinks because of the amount of players required to do them, not the level of difficulty. To suggest solo players can’t do them because of personal skill is ridiculous when most mythic raiding guilds actively trying to clear content can’t do it because of scheduling and those two people who keep standing in the fire. The reasons for not clearing content aren’t even different between the two types of player.

FFXIV did provide content for solo players and even if that content was extremely casual, it still gave people with limited time something to do that was still reasonably fun. WoW doesn’t have these alternative activities, so the better option really is to play an entirely different game. If WoW doesn’t want to include alternatives, they need to make their core features of raiding and keys more accessible under time constraints. That’s a statement of fact if they want to retain players and SL proves that they’re still doing it wrong.


Entertainment i am not asking for full bis or legendaries i just want something fun and engaging to do.

Zerith mortis and Korthia are not it!
They are boring and mind numbingly repetitive.