Why do so many people dislike skyriding / dragonriding?

I don’t mind it so much now. As a druid, I’m kinda bummed that they separated the two types of flying. I used to zoom across the map and then hit my insta-cast flight form as I got over my target. Still, it is nice to have flight at the beginning of an expansion.


I would love if they gave druid a glyph or something that let our flight form be normal and our mounts be skyriding.

It would give druids a reason to use mounts for long distance travel. And it would make in universe sense that you don’t want to wear yourself out on long distance flight.


This is the way.

Player options.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


The same answer as any system change for its own sake – Removal of agency.
A quick way to solve this would be to copy back from GW2, properly, for a change.
Aerial Halt should allow a fully static hover while recharging vigor.
Skyriding movement abilities should start slower, and flying in higher speed should be more maneuverable. How exactly to achieve the latter, I’m not so sure…

BlizZard is allergic towards giving players agency. There is too much ego involved. We thought they moved passed that ego stage during DF expansion but they are back to their old ways like BFA and systemlands!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


it’s harder to control. that’s why i dislike it. i still use it, and now that it’s optional it’s better, but the lack of control makes it so you have to focus on the game. you can’t just turn-on auto-walk (auto-fly?) and do something on another monitor.

you have to sit there and aim your character the whole time to ensure your at the precise angle that your actually moving forward at a decent speed and not nosediving, or slowing-down until your stop moving and start to float down.

also, you can’t hover when your skyriding. no floating in one spot and relaxing. you try to do that, you start floating down.


Wait, they are giving us “Steady Flight” at the start of The War Within instead of “Sky Riding”. Stop the presses, we win. Sorry couldn’t help myself.

We relatively did have the ability to fly within 30-60 minutes in Dragon Flight depending on how fast you quested towards, The Ruby Life Shrine. It was a while after that we could “Steady Flight formerly known as TBC” as it will now be known as.

The questline you need to complete to get steady flight is pretty easy as long as you stay focused.

Nod, believe you have to be max level and complete the campaign. Easiest Pathfinder to do for sure compared to Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands. It must have been mid-Shadowlands I finally went back to Battle for Azeroth to do that expansion pathfinder so my alt characters could have flight.

Even then, I always forgot to swap out mounts because I got so use to running around on my ground mount.

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If it is so easy then why does the PF gate exist? Lets take it further…why is DR not behind the PF gate if it is so easy?

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I can’t answer that because I have no idea why they would lock away old flight yet keep new flight. It makes no real sense to me.

Having said that pathfinder is pretty easy to achieve.


In the very beginning of DF, without a doubt, there was a learning curve with skyriding. My toons never splatted so many times in death. Rather comical. But when the skills “clicked,” it was easy. The nuances of dragonriding is more in the wrists.

I prefer it and seldom go back.

Since everyone has mastered DR then there is no reason to gate TBC normal flying with PF for TWW.

Thank you for supporting the holy flying wars for we will prevail against BlizZard shenanigans once more.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Kindly, skill issue. To help, when you lift with the space bar, angle yourself at a 90 degree angle. You shouldn’t be flying straight up vertically.

Don’t spam the space bar either, only hit space again when your blue aura goes away, because you are no longer generating vigor.

If you run out of vigor on a REALLY tall mountain (which I’ve only ever ran out of vigor trying to fly to the top of Sargeres’s sword) Then you could aim SLIGHTLY down and recover vigor and them keep climbing.

You gain MUCH more height than you lose by angling yourself down to recharge vigor.

It isn’t a skill issue because DR doesn’t involved the complexity of playing a Rogue or Druid!

Some people can not use DR or do not like to use DR!


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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I wonder if you’ll ever realize how much damage you’ve done to the stance you claim to support in the eyes of the community.


Nope they don’t the brain rot of their none stop ranting has made them blind to the fact they look like a total idiot to most.

I feel they are mentally ill or suffer from extreme form of upper autism.

Not so fast.

We all know that DR and TBC normal flying are popular to use based on the toggle switch threads.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I find it amazing that some people who love Dragonriding (or whatever the name of the day is) find it necessary to insult those of us who prefer to have the talents we have always had. I don’t believe I have seen one person say Dragonriding should be removed - what the majority of us have asked is to have our druid forms perform the way they always have without having to push a button and wait 5 seconds every time.

I have been a developer and worked with developers and this was a lazy choice. It could be done faster and easier than making the druid flight form (which has never been considered to be a mount) remain as it always has.

There are a lot of people making comments on this thread that think we should be grateful to blizzard for what they give us, however, I have paid a lot of money over the last 20 years and I do not feel grateful for them changing the basic premise of a druid - which is they have multiple forms and they all work as if it is the Druid, not a mount.


Some may be happy for scraps but as a customer I feel that TBC normal flying should no longer be linked to PF.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: