Why do pugs insist on going backdoor in Ashran at start?

Love that for you <3 Nice to have ya back =)

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Season one it worked all the time until the end. I always q solo so I am assuming a good majority were pugs. However hasnt worked since lol, and I still have the quest to kill the boss. I am assuming I wont be cashing that in anytime soon.

The Horde absolutely destroyed the Alliance at ROC.

With little hope of victory, the Alliance rushed the raid boss via a secret path while the Horde was still at ROC.

The Horde recalled too late.

i see you hit level 70 holycow

are you… playing the game

No, it’s a forum bug.

I’m still level 50.

I don’t PvP. I just help people post screenshots.

Yea true

I’m heading to bed, what a journy it was capping vaults


:nail_care: :sunglasses:




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nini! ^.^

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you premading ? hmm

quoting this for future refrence

Holycow - Character (blizzard.com)


LOL christ :skull::sob:

Hell of a “forum bug”, eh?

I actually saw that character in game for the first time last Sunday. Not in a bg though.
They recognized me, then turned around to face me so they could take a SS. Very creepy dude.


Horde always loses the ROC battle and the only way to win is to backdoor.

And I have seen it work many times. It fails cuz no one does it right.

You dont need the whole team to do it just like 15 or so.

True story. We were down 105-21 and I organized a back door to Trem.
ALliance were at our bridge farming adn I convinced people to go around and back door her.
I woulda have loved to see their faces when they saw DEFEAT after we killed Trem.
Back doors work when done right.

Are you sure it isn’t that they only lose RoC when you’re on the team? Always is very suspicious.

And when someone blames just 1 person for multiple losses is a 40 man BG they become irrelevant.
You got nothing.

In my experience horde usually has 2-3 healers or less and alliance has 8 or more on average. We always lose ROC and on rare occasions we dont lose it alliance back doors us cuz horde doesnt focus that part of the BG.

Stop being so melodramatic. Surely you don’t ‘always’ lose. Generally, for pugs, it’s 50/50. If it’s really that rare, are you hindering their success?

Maybe it’s just the time of day you normally queue, have you tried queuing at other times?

The only common denominator you’ve given us, is you.

Once again you become irrelevant.

You got nothing.

I’m trying to help. You’re just whinging.

I dont want your kinda help. Its useless. Literally useless.
Move along please and your of to ignore list

In a Trashran right now and its the same ole thing. Posting here to kill time till the BG is over.
2 healers vs 8 or more and after ROC wipe everyone bails.

S3 I am swapping to alliance.