Why do pugs insist on going backdoor in Ashran at start?

Literally have never seen this work but the people who yell it swear they win all the time with it. Literally have not once seen it work. The other team always knows what’s happening when you don’t show at ROC. The only time I’ve seen it work is with a premade. I am just going to start afking out when people decide to do this. Waste of time.

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Probably cause they want to be in and out as fast as possible. They probably don’t care for the massive long teamfights. They just want a win for the conquest and to move on,


But…it never works lol.


it works but you need to take ROC first, if you just go straight in they easily suspect it and just defend, need a bit of organization and for people to listen for a easy backdoor


Because the backdoor is the best door m8

No traffic, and usually right next to the kitchen 8D

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I always post a few watching back door. And we all have scrolls of recall. I’ve had games where ally try to back door 4-5 times. You’d think after the first two failures they’d figure out it wasn’t working.


Probably for the quest to kill the enemy leader, only time I’ve seen the bosses die is usually through a quick rush.

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Because blizzard hasn’t touched ebgs for sometime.

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Last weekened we had an ashran commander kill win that just went perfectly. We went ROC, i got aa on my mage and we went back to base. Summoned tree god. Walked down the path with tree god all the way to their commander. I then killed the commander while still having the AA.

It was glorious.


Yep, done that with Ruthlessbro many times. The problem is these pugs want to go up the middle at start and right over bridge with the gladiators lol.

It works but only if the whole team listens.

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Because they want out, one way or another.

Understandably, because Trashran is da worst.

JMO the only time a backdoor is especially silly to suggest is when the team has no tank and/or barely any heals.

I’ve never seen it win.

Usually it’s 5-10 DPS who know they will get smoked at RoC because they can’t teamfight who run down road while their undermanned team gets stomped at RoC and then complain that RoC loses games, while losing to the team that took RoC.

A lot of people don’t know how much RoC has to offer. Infinite mana for healers, scrolls, unique use items, frags and AA. Any team that gets all of that wins 99% of the time against the team that doesn’t and just sits in the road getting farmed and typing in chat that RoC doesn’t win games.

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its won everytime ive done it so far

In a pug? And how many times is that? I’ve literally never seen a pug pull it off, my team or the opposing side. We either get destroyed when we try or we destroy them when they do.

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It’s definitely possible just not at the start of the game you have to make them believe you’re still on the road. I solo him most times when it’s evident the team can’t win a clash and while they keep them busy. The horde is slowly losing.

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Enfers your break was good for you. You seem substantially more friendly nowadays

yes and yes im not counting when premades happen but there has been many times when pugs have tried and its worked .

It was. A nice detox that and the people there taught me some strategies like breathing and or meditation