Why do players pay to skip content and NOT play the game?

Yes, and honestly I agree with you. It shouldn’t exist. I am a bit of hypocrite for saying this since I bought the moose in WoD and most recent one (only two I bought I earned all the others that I have). I don’t like carries but since they exist and nothing I say or do will change it, might as well get something out of it for myself.

Couldn’t care less, doesn’t affect me in the slightest.

My question would be, why do you care what others do with their game time?


Same reason people make the exact same thread that already exists multiple times


Their money. Their time. I like to mind my own business.


because there’s more to the game than leveling, farming collectables, and questing? hello? i’m starting to think these aren’t serious questions.

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alas we arrive at the root of the problem…

here we have a sampling of the lobby gamers indulging in the 3 pillars (dungeons/raids/pvp) versus the more casual gamer focused on questing, the leveling journey, and farming collectibles.

most interesting.


bc is the wow gameplay experience for 2024, they rather sell the solution for their own created problems

and ppl are happily paying so it is what it is

“other people play the game differently than i do” isn’t really a problem.


OP framed it as an issue…I am merely expanding upon said premise as it all makes so much sense now.


Leveling is essentially a formality at this point and pretty much the entirety of development focuses on end game. There’s also nothing I can think of available during the leveling process short of one achievement (herald of the titans) that I can’t just go back and do at max level should the fancy strike me.

What is leading you to think the questions are not serious?
While yes people can play the game however they want this feed back matters to the future direction the devs take with wow.

I personally don’t like the way wow has cared less and less about the actual WORLD of Warcraft.
I play RPGs for the same reason I read books; I like stories.
It’s why I gravitate to RPGs. Give me immersion and a world to care about.

But for some reason there are those who continually yell that things are too hard or take too much time, but that’s kind of the point!

So why play this style of game if you hate this style of game?


hold up. you seem to be saying that somebody enjoying different aspects of this game is the same as somebody hating this kind of game. that seems at least inaccurate if not totally dishonest.


I don’t pay to skip content. I just skip it. There are a lot of people like me who play differently, because they aren’t willing to obey your juvenile insistence that you should be able to control their lives. That you should be the one who gets to make decisions about their choices in entertainment.

You’re the one doing it wrong.

Instant Gratification, Me me me attitudes.


Because Blizzard aggressively depreciates it and gives you virtually no reason- especially if you’re a new player who isn’t interested in things like collecting tmog’s, mounts and reps- to give a crap. And Blizzard actively encourages that lackadaisical attitude by allowing you to blast through that content because they treat not being max level as a problem.

Because there’s nothing but fodder content and it takes- being generous- about 10 hours to hit max level. Which means that even for someone making minimum wage it’s actually a better use of your time to just buy the service. On a long enough time line someone who is new is going to feel like they’re a dummy for not buying the level boost service. Doubly so when it’s on sale.

yes, when i see somebody who isn’t doing the jade forest quests for the 18th time, my first thought is “how selfish!”

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Why do people do anything?

Because they can.

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Somewhat with hypocrisy, but it’s safe to say you were placed into a difficult position with the need to consider paying for a carry to obtain something before it was no longer obtainable.

On the contrary, this is more of an off-shoot discussion that would be drowned out if attached to some of those other topics. I at least tried to frame this topic as approaching a different aspect of the discussion.

And trying to be less antagonistic by presenting it as the opportunity for people to present their case and motivations for what they are.

A very good way of looking at it… though “casual” is probably not the best label for this context. The Casual/Hardcore divide is most often defined by where on the spectrum of time & effort the other side is, which is often why that particular definition is so difficult to pin down.

But questing, leveling, and collectibles are very different modes of gameplay from the “three pillars” that WoW has been increasingly structured around. But in any case, it’s fair to say the players interested in that aspect of content feel very neglected by WoW’s developers, despite it being present in the game from the beginning… and when you get down to it, what all new players are actually introduced to the game with.

Let’s put this to a hypothetical question:

What if endgame content was reduced to the following:

  • LFR for raiding. No higher difficulty, no further gear progression.
  • Normal LFD dungeons only for dungeons. No heroics, mythic, or mythic+.
  • Unrated battlegrounds only. No ratings or rankings.
  • No arenas or arena ratings. Just dueling in front of Stormwind & Orgrimmar.

How would you feel if the entire aspect of the game you enjoy was not quite removed from the game, but completely and entirely neglected by the developers because “it doesn’t matter”?

Because that’s where leveling and questing sit right now.

I should point out that this is a VERY valid question for anyone in this position.

No one should be playing a game because they hate it.
And moving on to different games is definitely an option.

Just putting the two bit together for a reason… because that “aggressive depreciation” in the first is rather necessary for the points raised in the second to be valid.

I don’t like the idea with attaching a dollar value to my leisure time, but turning the leveling experience into a wasted and tedious experience such that someone would be inclined to skip it? That creates its own problems.

Not really, but there is definitely a habit of assuming that anyone speaking out against “the way things are done” is doing so to get a rise out people.

I’m honestly just trying to get people to explain their actions so that I can understand their perspective… and I’m not afraid to ask uncomfortable questions if that’s what it takes to get the answers I’m looking for.

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You got some answers but when it comes down to it, nobody owes you an explanation because it’s none of your business.

So you should be content with the answers you got so far.

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