Why do players pay to skip content and NOT play the game?

If Blizzard wanted people to engage with the content then they’d make it easier or at least explain mechanics through questing/world events/gameplay.

The fact they throw random mechanics out at people, or just crank up the difficulty without any attention given to balance or fairness within roles shows they don’t care at all.

50 is hyperbolic, but for me, the game starts at level cap. if i want to play a new class, i have to level a new character. i’ve done that many times over the years.

I enjoy raiding but cannot make our M+ schedule. If I need to catch up, I’ll buy a run. Usually doesn’t happen too often, but real life is more important than pixels.


They might just not enjoy aspects of the game. I despise leveling beyond treasure hunting events like remix.

I can get wanting a cool elite set to but not being interested in doing pvp for it.

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ppl buy pvp carries because they want the set and cosmetics and because they suck at pvp which is understandable bc pvp is hard pvp makes me want to jump off of a rooftop

Bypassing leveling through the same quests and dungeons you’ve done countless times before is not “skipping content”.

These aren’t “skips”.


If people think earning things is tedious and boring, wether it’s leveling, farming a certain collectable or questing,
Why are you playing?

I think those types of people are more suited to mobile phone games but instead they’d rather infiltrate already beloved genres of other games and slowly destroy them by whining that devs make the game into a completely different game.

Like what we’ve been seeing with wow.


You honestly can’t figure out why people don’t want to play through leveling for the 10th time?

come on.

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That’s a rather odd perspective, because I’m thinking is actually the OPPOSITE situation; or rather, I would say my own perspective is very much the opposite. I don’t care for the hardcore progression or self-improvement (or perhaps more accurately, I don’t care about squeezing out as much as possible out damage output; I get bored if there’s too much repetition involved)… but I wouldn’t dare buy a boost.

But still, collecting transmog and mounts is something I enjoy… but you don’t really need any boosts for that. Then again, I’m also a largely solo player and content to wait for stuff to become soloable in later expansions; though I’d prefer it if the scaling system didn’t turn it into an absolute joke for difficulty.

And besides, those who aren’t really interested in the hardcore progression side of things are more likely to be those who enjoy leveling and questing content. Call it “collecting experiences”, if you will.

It just seems odd for those paying for boosts and carries are those who aren’t looking to get into higher-end content. You’d think they’d be getting to boosts to get into that higher-end content faster… and some of the responses so far seem to suggest that’ the case.

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I’m not lazy I’m just sick of doing this crap for the millionth time.

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Wouldn’t the reverse be true?

Ive know phone games to have boring fillers and wait times not traditional computer games. WoWs leveling has needed a overhaul for 20 years now.

Well yes I’m sure there are boring mobile games, I’m biased tho, I think ALL mobile games are cheap and boring.

But if people dislike questing and leveling they are literally playing a game not made for them.

This is an RPG, that’s the base of it; Immersing you self in the adventures of a different world.

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I’ve never used a level boost; they keep giving us level boosts with each expansion purchase, and they just keep covering each other up on my login screen. I have no idea how many I have sitting there.

Leveling is so fast and easy, I just never saw the point.


Because some people don’t like this extremely boring outdated content???

Because the majority of people who buy boost are special… and unable to do it themselves.

They need to ban carries but then people would stop buying gold and giving blizz money.

Its not and its never been. I don’t get this " its a rpg thing " people spout out. Its usually only brought up to defend the worst aspects of the game and then they dismiss it when it brings in aspects they hate.

If its a rpg shouldn’t other players be forced to give me gold based on my elite pvp rank as part of the forces? Would that not be a more compelling world rpg?

Let’s… yes, I think I genuinely don’t understand that perspective.

Though it could be more accurately answered as I’d rather level up a character in WoW for the 10th time than participate in the endgame content (for WoW specifically). I’m more likely to wander off to another game before it reaches the tenth iteration of the same process.

But when I wander back to WoW, I’d rather do the leveling experience again than touch the endgame… though there’s this sad tendency for it to be butchered through the botched level-scaling system.

While I certainly won’t call it all “good content”, I do get the perception that it’s vastly-underappreciated. MoP Remix, at least initially, helped put a spotlight on how good the questing experience could be. On the other hand, SL’s leveling experience is… not good.

But I could also reverse this question - Why are people in a rush to get to the “endgame”, which is often quite boring, repetitive, and needlessly drawn out?

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I’ve bought a couple of boosts over the years and the reason being is, I’ve already played that content to death and just want max level fast. I have 13 level 70s and multiple more 55+.

I’ve only bought a couple carries for AotC mounts. Reason: not in a guild, don’t want to be in a guild with a committed schedule, and pugging SUCKS.

I don’t pay for gear or ratings but I am someone that buys the AOTC mount every xpac.

I do it because I don’t want to join a guild and I don’t want to deal with pugs but I do want to collect certain mounts.

So a targeted clear due to a FOMO reward that you want but can’t reasonably obtain otherwise?

Understandable, to be honest. Though I’d argue that situation shouldn’t exist, mostly because I dislike the idea of removing content & items from the game for any reason. Though this example is far less egregious than the MoP Cloak and WoD Ring questlines.