I did not mind the concept of “ground first, fly later.” WOD’s Pathfinder was just a big ole cluster of F’s. Legion I think was better than BFA’s, because BFA asked you to do quite a lot more. If you stopped playing at any time, you were basically forced to run old content for Pathfinder.
Pathfinder where you just do the main campaign and GG, that was the best.
WOD had pruning though. (Which is fine.) The playable content WOD had was good enough, you just only had raid logging and Challenge Modes back then.
As for the number of buttons, I’m more of a fan of MOP’s strengths and weaknesses. We hit that slippery slope of having an answer for everything, and it feels bland as a result. Hyper-fixation on tuning instead of covering the weaknesses of your group through good compositions.
hey, i liked MoP too, but the change from MoP to WoD felt a lot more smooth than… all the expansions since legion (as much as i loved legion, due to how popular it was, and all the friends i made around then).
also, i liked having an answer for everything. made the game feel a lot less stressful to me. most of your group dies in a dungeon, and your class can’t rez? don’t worry, everybody’s got a group-rez. a lot less worrying. but hey, that’s just me.
I think some homogenization is okay. Like Healers having Mass Res.
What I don’t like is that it feels everyone has a Stun. Everyone has multiple defensive spells (a couple is fine, like a minor and a major. But the whole kit combined is extremely powerful in DF). Some specs have powerful effects for things that aren’t their role.
Like, I dislike that Mages literally out-heal DPS Druids. Healers having like 4+ throughput cooldowns is a bit nuts too.
That’s the sort of stuff I mean. The fact is they’ve expanded the tools to impact the group more often, and that made characters feel invincible (outside of one-shots).
I… think you’re being a little bit nitpicky. I implied that they didn’t have enough manpower because they left to work on Legion.
It’s what they said! All the details that you shared? It shows how Blizzard moved all of their “big guns” onto Legion early and resulted in an almost-skeletal crew that’s inexperienced and green for WoD.
I’m sorry, I’m still not getting what you’re saying. You’re saying the same stuff that I am, only you’ve gone much more in-depth over it.
Fine, you don’t like how I said it. That’s valid, and your cup of tea. But I never lied, nor did I misguide people.
I’m at work so I will have to cut this discussion short. I wish you a good day.
wait, they do?? whenever i’m on my mage, i’m struggling to stay alive! the heck am i missing to be able to do this?? …also, dps druids? erm… i hate to tell you this, but that’s not a deal-breaker for me. they’re supposed to dps, not heal, it’d make-sense they’d out-heal them. unless you mean they’re out-healing their dps, in-which case, yeah, that’s a problem.
I started in BC, as well, but I (personally) like WoD because of the questing zones & the Garrisons. Love having my own personal character housing.
I must (also) add that I only like it as Alliance. I can understand why Horde may not like, though. I don’t like the Horde version of it. Only Alliance version.
That being said, I still quest/use WoD, to this day. Absolutely love it, again Alliance, only.
Hold up. What?? You serious?
Druids have an instant 30% free heal + casted ones.
Mages have a small % regen from barrier absorbs + ice block heal, one is dispelable and the other can be shatters/mass dispelled.
It’s literally impossible for mages to out heal druids in the long run.
It will only happen if the druid does not self heal at all.
We can give everyone basic tools without removing niches, but I already know you’re against that, so meh.
Mage’s have Mass Barrier. It’s REALLY strong for group gameplay. Giving your allies like 8% or whatever temporary health (that’s what shielding/absorbs is) for incoming damage is great.
To me, it’s not that DPS druids are outhealed, more than Mage was overstepping too much into the healing role. A personal barrier, cool. Mass Barrier… now we’re having some issues.
ohhhh… mass barrier. that’s one of those abilities i never pick-up on my mage, cause… i mean, it’s a dps-only class. but that makes me confused why your trying to heal on a dps druid. i mean… don’t they have a healing spec?
wait, that sounded snarky… man, my joke does’nt really come-across so well in text…
was trying for a ‘do you guys not have phones?’ sorta joke.
Renewal is a 90sec CD. You don’t cast Regrowth as a DPS Druid (DPS loss). Nature’s Vigil healing is almost always overhealing (it’s not smart healing, so it gets wasted a lot). Mage Barrier is rarely wasted because it absorbs damage.
My context is raiding and Mythic+. And it’s undeniable mage barriers are nuts. The goal is to survive. If you survive you’re healers can pick you up. So, proactive shields are far superior to reactive healing. (It’s why Rallying Cry is so good, and while Renewal is meh.)
Solo content really isn’t that challenging (nor should it be, unless designed that way – Mage Tower).
I do agree that barriers are better than heals in PvE, and that mages likely heal more than Balance druids (not feral, with the free instant Regrowth usable on others) in that context.
But PvP also exists and denies your whole point.
Regrowth and Cyclone are in the same spell school. So, you can’t bait a kick and freely cast afterwards. (Unlike mages, who can bait Frost or Fire and freely cast Polymorph, or vice-versa.)
Plus, Ice Block is infinitely better than Bear Form.
WoD was the last time class design was universally good and the content it had was fun and engaging.
Blizzard smothered it in its crib because the story sucked and people got big mad about the 6.1 patch just being twitter integration. Shame they didn’t do the same to Shadowlands.
In PvE, sure. In PvP, I’ll just heal while you’re blocked /shrug.
Baiting is also a choice. The opponent must realize that arcane is much more impactful to kick then fire/frost, since it denies sheep and counterspell, except when the mage is nearly dead, to deny ice block.
RMP isn’t meta because of mage healing, which wasn’t even a thing until glyph of evocation.
It’s meta since rogue/mage/priest have amazing synergy due to different CC DRs and the rogue enabling the target to stay still while the mage is able to focus on it without worrying about LoS.