Why do people think Nightborne are ugly?

Out of all the elven races they look the eldest to me, but nowhere near “ugly”. And lore-wise the nightwell changed their appearance over the ten thousand years they were addicted to it in their magic bubble.

If anything Nightborne are more visually attractive than all the Horde races minus blood elves. Their body proportions aren’t any weirder than most male races in the game, for example, with ridiculously over-sized hands and in some races tiny heads in comparison to their bodies.

If you lived under a bubble for 10,000 years and came out looking that decent then you have something going for you.


female are nice, good posture. Male are jokes tho.


All elves are ugly, they’re just uglier I guess


They could be so much more


All elves are also trolls, but not all trolls are elves. :joy:

Nah. They hot.

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I mean, let’s be perfectly honest here, any elf that isnt a night elf is ugly.


Because they are they are nothing like the npc models . I got all excited for them and then when they came out they look nothing at all like nightborne in the game . They didn’t fit the faces right the eyes are wayyyyyy to huge . That shows you how lazy blizzard is they didn’t even take the time to adjust their eye sockets . The female disquise you get for the quest chain that’s a very pretty nightborne .

All blizz did was slap nightborne skin onto nelf model and didn’t resize the correct stuff and made them slightly thinner. The faces all need a rework like they all look utterly terrible and half done . They still look unifinished .


The males look terrible.

You take that back

The Nightborne are quite ugly. Maybe it’s just my Snob Alarm going off though.

I can see why people have problems with Nightborne. The males have some of the ugliest faces in the game, and the females look bow-legged. They could definitely use a revamp but almost certainly won’t get one.

Nancy, your opinion is well… wrong.


Look at this picture and you will find out why we are not happy with Nightborne player models.

You know the Female model does not even “blink” right? She also uses a male baldness texture.

Edit: Now go to the character creator and look at the male Nightborne and realize they are 10x worse.


Imagine calling other player models ugly while playing a Male Night elf.


I don’t agree. I don’t think they’re ugly. I specially love the hair on the female elfs and their strong posture.

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I’m pretty sure I only have one of those problems.

I was a Nightborne from 7.3.5-BFA.

I can say that they are by far the absolute worst looking plate wearing race. (Males that is)

They for some reason have Night Elf boots and gloves, so they appear to be massive on their stick-like appearance. Speaking of which, their weapons appear to be huge, but the arms look like they were transplanted from a decomposed forsaken.

I’m extraordinarily disappointed with Nightborne. They looked like they were going to scratch an itch I had in the game for so long, but then failed.

Luckily Kyrian look absolutely perfect. I am so hyped on the idea that they could potentially become playable.

oh come on your hands are not that big

I wish my Nightborne looked like the one on the left :pensive:
Long hair, arcane magic around him, and nips showing


The issue is that the npcs look really good as does the art in various medias. But the player character model just fails to be as good.

Fan done tweaks and edits do a better job then blizzard.

The same can be said for kultiran for example.