Who cares?
Fury warrior is one of the more satisfying melee classes at the moment. Stuff FEELS good when you’re smacking it, you have decent survival talents, and a LOT of mobility with Charge and Heroic Leap.
I used to hate playing a warrior until Legion dropped with the class halls, and have enjoyed mine since. They got rid of a ton of unneeded buttons and junk that was clogging up all the specs, and made them streamlined. Arms is meh when it comes to PvE, but for PvP, the bleeds and stuns are ridiculously powerful.
I’m currently leveling my 4th one for the Mechognome Allied Race (and playing a warlock for my Vulpera :P)
i still love my warrior but i like 2hander frost dk soon to me more in shadowlands.i disgree if i wasn’t playing my ret paladin he would be been played for sure.
Because maybe being a fearsome warrior is their fantasy?
Rampage is just about THE most satisfying thing in the game for me. Whack, whack-whack, WHACK! Always feels good to chain them together when the cooldowns are popped.
im just JACKED BRO U MAD ?
That’s the first explanation that convinced me on warriors.
I remember that video. It was a great time to be a warrior.
I agree BUT if i EVER get to transmog those BEAUTIFUL Kaldorei Warglaives into 1h… I will definitely be making a Night Elf Warrior <3333
Mage is just mad he has no muscles and doesn’t lift or eat protein.
This right here. Plate armor is godlike and IMO, since my word is law, the best looking armor in the game
Hey OP, I just started a Human Warrior.
I feel summoned.
I have a lot of warriors and monks. I like that they feel like fairly straightforward. I like the class fantasy of running on rage or calm and matching up against all the fancy spell flingers with just your weapon and your skill and your wits.
Also, Sledgehammer’s rage yell is very cathartic.
There are days I just want the subtlety of a sledgehammer. My Fury Warrior excels at accomplishing that very goal.
literally disgusting
For me, it’s Arms & Prot.
This ability alone is amazing. You can do it 2 times in a row, and as prot you can charge (intercept) your teammates! The shoulder blow animation at the end is very satisfying!
Heroic Leap!
This is a live saver when you dismount in mid air or fall from a cliff or want to get out of lava or water asap…
Heroic Leap + Charge + Charge
Hell no, you are not getting away this time…
When this ability is available (with massacre talent at 35% of target HP), you know the guy will die! When the mage, druid or rogue try to run and you have the Death Sentence talent (Execute also charge to the target), lol!!!
Thunder Clap, Shield Slam, Shockwave, Spell reflection, Pummel, Revenge, Fear, Storm bolt, Ravager, Ignore Pain, Victory Rush, Bladestorm, Mortal Strike, Collossus Smash, Overpower, Slam, Hamstring…
Everything is amazing: nothing can give more joy than a Warrior.
Warrior FTW!
A question like that is HERESY!!!
Wh40k is not an anime, it is British fiction. One of the best/most interestingly written sci fi at that. A top notch tabletop, too.
This thread actually convinced me to rethink the way I look at warriors. The comment here from whoever said warriors are so beastmode they compete in a world where most people use magic etc… to fight. Warrior is in my top 3 main choice along with Hunter and Warlock for Shadowlands.
Why? Thunderclap go bbrrrrrrrer