Why do people play on PVE servers?

(emphasis added) This. This right here. This is why a PvP server is a bad idea for me. Because even if I win, I lose. If I see someone and the situation looks good (or at least equitable), my first thought isn’t “Aaaahh, fresh meat” it’s, “Hmm maybe we’ll just leave each other alone…?”


FTFY (dude, seriously?)


If time is an issue, why play at all?

I have always preferred PvE servers so I can explore and level in peace without some level 60 neckbeard camping my level 23 body.

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I am rolling on an English-speaking EU PvE server and spending most of my time flagged. (Haven’t decided with finality which, yet – probably Hydraxian Waterlords. I’m subbing a month or two in, once bugs are worked out and pops have stabilized a bit.)

My favorite haunts at end-game are Felwood, Winterspring, and EPL. Come say hello!

Because PVP server people have complained about problems with it for 15 years, often getting paid transfers off of them.

This is why they added “warmode”, with an ON/OFF switch. It is the ONLY reason. Then they bundled into a neat “new little package”, added a couple of things, calling it “warmode.”

If you play Classic on a PVP server, you’ve learned nothing from the past.


It seems you think wpvp only adds to the game and takes nothing away, in which case I understand your confusion.

The thing is many people consider it to detract from their experience rather than add when they keep getting ganked and griefed while just trying to quest and farm.


If this was warhammer online I would play on pvp realm, but this ain’t, and i value my limited time to play wow much more than rolling on a pvp realm and having some no lifers camp me for hours and destroy my peace of mind. When i look back after few years, I want to feel proud i accomplished a lot of pve objectives, which advance my character, not realize i have done nothing but got killed million times. For example, you go to work daily, after 2 years you have experience and savings, as compared to mike tyson being your neighbour assaults you moment you out the door and 2 years later you have no job, no savings and a throbbing headache.

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The meaning of words changes over time depending on how people use them.

It makes perfect sense to get ganked by one person. Even if the word initially meant groups or whatever.

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They are on PVE where they don’t have to be bothered by some sociopathic level 60 rogue camping lowbie zones like Redridge and Stone Talon. You think allied 60s will show up…they’d rather be off somewhere else.

I’ve always seen world pvp as a place for people who can’t win bgs to get honor. There are probably some super good players who love to world pvp, but the only ones I’ve ever seen are either camping lowbies til they log or really just a nuisance for me while I’m trying to get to a dungeon (like in BRM).

As a healer, there is little fun in facing off angainst the two rogues trying to perma camp my body.


Only playing on PvE server cause husband does not want to play on pvp……:sleepy:

I can agree with this. World pvp is much more fun when its among people of the same level and engaging. When that stealthed 60 rogue is killing lowbies in Redridge or Stonetalon…that’s just boring and sociopathic.

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Because I want to focus on leveling my main and then an alt in a few months time. When I level that alt I don’t want to be corpse camped in a lowbie zone by level 60s who are bored and waiting for the next phases to come out. Sure I could roll on a pvp server and level the alt alongside my main, alternate between the two when I’m getting ganked and camped. But why should I let someone else decide how I get to play the game? People who are saying “hurr durr why play on a pve server, pvp servers offer the same elements plus wpvp” are literally braindead. You can make the exact same argument for a pve server by toggling pvp on…

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I think a lot of pve players just want to play, without being harassed. Pvp vs pve is kind of like competitive vs quickplay. You can have fun doing either.

I’m still debating at this late hour which way to go, but if I go PvE it will be because I’m an adult now, and I have a career and life commitments. I don’t want to log into WoW after a twelve hour shift with only a few hours to play, only to find the area I need to quest in filled with gankers who won’t let me do anything.

because I do not want to pvp all the time.
there are moments when I do not want to pvp but when I do I can opt in and choose to so I do not have to worry about stuff like stveitnam or southshore v terran mill.

plus i’m not concerned with highwarlord.

there are also times I like to play alliance, paladin alt says hi, so the ability to roll ally alts on the same server is nice.

ultimately, i’m a weenie hut jr player and do not care about it so I roll rp-pve.

Because they are bad at the game

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Because they are bad at the game

(says the guy who never played Vanilla and has never completed a raid outside of LFR, can you say “little man syndrome”?)

I’m going to treat the OP’s question as if it wasn’t a giant troll.

The reason to roll on a Normal server is that you get a higher quality of player. The only advantage to a PvP server is that you can gank lowbies. There are numerous reasons why people enjoy ganking lowbies, but it all boils down to one thing in the end, and that is that these people get enjoyment out of ruining the enjoyment of others. That’s a problem because people that want to go out of their way to make others miserable don’t make good friends. It’s usually someone that has no control over their real life and can’t lash out because they’re a weenie, so they find somewhere that they can be the dominant one to create a kind of balance for themselves.

I never played on anything but PvP servers, but in 11 hours when Classic goes live, I’ll be rolling Normal. It’s not because I won’t be PvPing, but I don’t get anything out of “winning” a competition with someone that never stood a chance. I also don’t go to the local playgrounds and kick the crap out of 8 year olds at basketball. If I’m going to compete, it’s going to be with people on my level or better in a fair setting. Anything less makes the victory hollow.


Wrong. PVP and PVP servers were an afterthought. Hence why its called PVP servers… and Normal servers.


This toon was created on a PvP server back in 2006. While I enjoyed PvP and wPvP, I almost considered rolling on a PvE server this time around. I have a lot less time available to me these days, making it much more valuable. Logging in to get some quests done on a character that I’m leveling only to be plagued by the other faction camping the area I need to be could result in me logging out for the evening. Not because I don’t like the PvP aspect, but because I simply because I may not have the time to put a counter-strike group together.

All that being said, the PvP aspect is still fun, so I’m still rolling PvP and hoping for the best! :slight_smile: