Why do people on low pop servers care if high pop servers get layering or not

And what if the population continues to grow and now you need another layer, and another layer, and another layer? Everyone is opposed to layers on principle. They tolerate layers because they don’t want to sit in a queue.

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You know, you’re right. It is more like someone driving on I-85/75 through Atlanta at rush hour and complaining that there is traffic, and demanding that the mayor of Atlanta ‘fix’ the fact that the 16 lane highway is jam packed with cars. Then, they complain that they don’t want to ride the train, which would allow them to not be stuck in traffic for 2+ hours, because they paid good money for their Honda, and they should be able to drive it whenever they want, wherever they want.

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However, in this case, the fix according to the municipality that is Blizzard is as simple as just flipping a switch.

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I’ve gotten admit you are my favorite posters on the Classic forum.

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Not exactly, it is effectively the same as the gates they have on the highways here in GA so that they can redirect both sides of the highway to go one way during hurricane evacuations. It is an emergency measure that is not practical for the long term.

It’s not really the same thing. I’m sure there are way more details involved in the traffic situation in GA as opposed to what Blizzard is dealing with.

They paid more for the train through taxes and other opportunity costs and even with traffic, it isn’t as efficient.

They use the same system in Boston and other major cities every day for years since it is far more practical than building another lane.

It’s the whole #nochanges thing, which has had strong proponents from the beginning, and for good reason. The line of thinking is… retail is an abomination, it became an abomination because of years of whiny, entitled players crying and wanting everything handed to them, and Blizzard giving in to their demands until it ruined the game and made it unplayable.

But all of the current people who work at Blizzard created retail. They think it’s great! And the thinking is that they would prefer to make Classic just like retail, and it’s only the vocal #nochanges people who give them pause. There is still great fear that, if given an inch, Blizzard will take mile, and Classic will be ruined.

That said, I understand the dilemma Blizzard is in. Nobody likes queue’s. And queue’s left in place can cost Blizzard subs, because people will quit. So I understand if they have to use layering here and there as needed. It’s a necessary evil because the alternative is worse. But it should not be done lightly, and it should be limited and only used when absolutely necessary, IMO.

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I hear you but…

if Blizz had just done the right thing from the get go (no megaservers, no layering) you would still be able to play the game.

Actually, considering that I-85/75 is a parking lot during rush hour in Atlanta, it most definitely is more time efficient to ride the train.

They’re the same people that freak out about unemployment paying more than federal minimum wage.

Thank you for illustrating my point.

Your argument is that Blizzard should put in layering to keep more people happy, and that people on low-pop servers are opposed to layering because they don’t want it coming to their server.

What I was actually saying is, the only thing that stops everyone from playing on the same server is queues. Putting in layering gets rid of queues for now but it doesn’t alleviate the problem that led to queues in the first place. In fact, if Blizzard is going to create a new layer every time there is a queue, they could end up adding an indefinite number of layers.

Moreover, a lot of people object to layers because they can be exploited by miners/herbalists(and then there are world bosses).

No human is an island.

Except that’s not really the case. You are acting like people intentionally created queues to force blizzard to add layers. But that’s not really true, many of the people who’ve been impacted by queues roled on their realm long before there were queues or when queues were significantly shorter. And given current circumstances it’s unreasonable to punish people for things completely out of their control in what is ultimately a temporary situation.

You seem to have missed my argument. Or rather, invented one.

OP asked why people not on megaservers care. I listened, gave my opinion, and then you tried to convince me exactly as I said people who aren’t on megaservers and don’t have to deal with queues would.

I frankly have no argument as to whether or not they should layer, nor did I present one earlier. I simply said why people are arguing it, and that I felt they were being selfish.

If they can do it to you, they can do it to us.

No, I think people want to play on the megaservers. Especially people on dying servers who don’t want to waste money transferring to other servers that might die. So they end up piling into the same few servers because they believe they are “safe”. But then you have queues so people whine for layers which just makes more room for people to pile into the server until there is again a queue, after which they whine for more layers.

No I didn’t. I was explaining how introducing layers to solve the queue problem merely hides the problem and encourages more people to pile into megaservers.

You think people on low-pop servers don’t want layers because the’re afraid Blizzard will put layers on their servers if it is perceived as a working solution. Which is the opposite of what I said, because my actual concern is that the only thing that prevents everyone from piling into a few servers is long queues.

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literally never saw a single person post about wanting this.
Why would we want to nerf the available materials from ourselves? makes no sense.