Why do people fear level squish? [Discussion]

If your criticism base is “No change, no trust” then yes lol. If you cant restructure a concern to a cohesive thought it will be ignored like the rest of the howling. Again, how often has the hivemind “no-trust” howling actually done something in the past 15 years?

Maybe because you seem rather confused on what you actually mean and are saying 2 different things…

First off, people aren’t “afraid of change”. This is NOT the issue. This is what you are reflecting on any concern given. The concern people have is that:

  1. Blizzard has very bad track record on handling something this big and of this type of change.

  2. Blizzard has a bad track record of cutting a lot of what makes an idea good leaving a mess of kodo pooh.

  3. That the squish will not fix the issues, and there are other options to fix the issues that would not require such a drastic (possible game breaking) change to they system.

No one said the mechanic is trash. How can we when they "They don’t reveal the specifics until PTR ". We are saying is based on past Blizzard behaviors and what they have released; this won’t work and will probably be released in an extremely buggy state.


And if the company already has a reputation for producing terrible food, then people will be understandably wary of this new cake.

Similarly, we’ve already seen that Blizzard tends to implement projects like stat squishes in a less than polished form. We’ve also seen that they frequently under-deliver even on aspects of the game they’ve talked about publically. So no, it’s not unreasonable or “fearmongering” to assume a level squish would be implemented with the same cut corners and lack of forethought we’ve seen Blizzard display in the past.


My criticism isn’t just that.

Meanwhile you don’t want us to give any feedback because you think it’s all fearmongering.


Like I said it’s pretty, simple. Companies ignore "No trust’ howling. What I think is fearmongering is irrelevant to that fact lol. Unless you finally recalled an instance of no trust howling actually doing anything in the prior FIFTEEN YEARS.

Change is scary for many

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I see you’re going to continue to ignore that there is feedback beyond “no trust howling”. I’m done trying to reason with you.


Wonder if blizz customer support will get angry calls asking for partial refunds on 110 boosts.

“I paid for 110 levels, but now a boost is only 60 levels, I want my 50 levels back”

“Level squish” has become a buzz-phrase that magically solves all problems. The implementation, both at the squish and then going into future expansions, seems to be vaguely defined and different for each person using the phrase. That’s the part that concerns me.


You say you have actual criticisms but I scrolled all the way up and you have been talking about trust and your personal perception of their track record for the past 2hs lol.

Yet it’s somehow not about trust. kek.

Here, maybe this will make it clear for you.

I went to a bakery for 15 years. For the last half of those years I have gotten food poisoning. So I should just trust their cakes 100% because for the first half of those 15 years I didn’t get food poisoning. Not maybe let them know the baker in the back doesn’t wash his hands, or that their eggs are 2 months expired, or that sardines and orange jello does not a good cake make? Making your cakes mini isn’t going to fix the fact your cakes are giving people food poisoning.


Notice how that is a complaint with actual basis that is more than “No trust, bad track”?.

  • I am getting sick
  • The baker is unhygenic
  • Eggs are 2 month expired
  • This combination of food is bad.

These are all things the company can address. Now if you instead say “I don’t trust you anymore, forget your cake minis, bad track record lately”. That gives them nothing and they wont care about your complaint. Like I have said for the 4th time now, their is a correct and incorrect way to structure a concern in a way someone will actually care.

People cry no matter what they do. That should not be a concern.

From a “power feeling” standpoint, as a max level I would prefer not to have my level dropped even though my relative power level will remain the same. People don’t like seeing smaller numbers - it was an issue with the stat squishes even though I know those were eventually resolved and the community got over them. I don’t like feeling weaker.

I also think that the better solution to the leveling process not being rewarding is to just…add more rewards to the leveling process rather than just reducing the number of levels.


Shockingly enough, gaining guild xps take very little time than it did before. Yes some of those items require higher level content I will give you that but the heirloom sets themselves are easily obtainable. Had a few people come back who hadn’t played since Lich join our guild. They weren’t rl friends by any means, yet we all pooled to help them get that gear. The slog to attain exalted isn’t half of what it used to be.

2 days after a level squish: “WTF Blizzard I’ve been level 40 for 3 hours, this is awful”
Pointless change, leave well enough alone.


Well, I kinda thought that if they will make squish AND add new stuff (like talents or whatever) to make it more rewarding… Of course, if the classes will be same as now, and the only difference will be level number, then yes, it will still suck. :))

but I feel it is better to fill up 60 levels with some (talents?) than have 130 levels and get something only every 5-10 levels.

The issue is that, if they don’t completely revamp the process, they’re just redistributing the same things we have now.

Most classes get their last ability around 80, and their last talent at 100. If they do a straight cut, we’d have 60 levels with our last ability at 40 and our last talent at 50. If they redistribute across 60 levels, we’d actually be getting our abilities and talents later in the leveling process, as things were moved to fill in the gap created by artifacts and azerite armor between 50 and 60.

Or they could unprune and completely revamp the leveling process, but that doesn’t require a squish, and a squish doesn’t automatically imply a revamp. If they can come up with a reward for every level up to 60, they could reward every other level up to 120. They could offer rewards that aren’t talents for the filler levels, like bags of supplies with upgraded food and healing pots to replace the ones we’re outgrowing.


I feel the opposite. Changing the number won’t change the amount of experience needed. That level 60 will take you the same amount of time it does now. Frankly, I like the ding, it makes it feel like less of sloggfest to get to the top.


This right here is the whole problem with retail leveling… The entire leveling experience has been streamlined and curated to get you through it as fast as it possibly can with as few speed bumps along the way. And the speed bumps it throws up, don’t even matter as there are numerous ways around them.

It doesn’t really matter what level number change they put in, so long as the mentality is that anything below max level… is a pointless waste of time.

It used to be: There are two games, leveling and end-game. Now there’s end-game… and harder end-game. Leveling is just this thing that you have to quickly get done to start experiencing the content that “matters.”