Why do people expect a massive fall off?

Because its 2019 OP. Not 2004.
Hype only lasts for so long and you can’t capture the same experience twice.

…And the fact that the very game itself is actually dying now.


lol wut? Pathfinder part 2 is already out in retail for BFA. And yes I’m sure a LOT of people like myself got sick of waiting over 10 months for Ion and his team to finally give it back to us. I’ll never go back to retail ever again because of that nonsense.

I personally am going nowhere. I resubbed for 6 months just for classic and nothing else. If there were an option just to sub to classic for less I would have picked that option.

If there was an option to just sub for classic but it was more expensive, would you do it?

What? I had the option to resub for just one month at a time, so why didn’t you? Did you not have an inactive WoW account prior to this? Someone said in a different thread that you could just DL the free trial version of WoW and sub to Classic that way, but if Blizzard is forcing 6 month subs on people using that option that is straight up strong arm cash grabbing of epic proportions

absolutely, good games are worth the money.

I did it that way because it was cheaper, not more expensive.

No, why would anyone pay more to get less? Even if you werent going to utilize everything, that seems kind of stupid and really a stupid question honestly.

Apparently at least one person would.

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There’s also this thing about it being a 15 year old game. Yeah, classic servers is something that’s needed to happen for awhile, but once everyone comes in relives their nostalgia, or sees what the game was actually like, a lot of people are going to most likely just go back to doing what they were doing before launch; whether that’s a different game, or retail.

It would be amazingly hilarious if a drop off didn’t happen and the game kept growing, and they had to make new servers to accommodate the player base. I just don’t foresee it, personally. The majority of people who are going to be dabbling are going to be the current retail players, and most of whom have zero idea of how different vanilla really was (several of my friends were tilted that you can’t create both a horde and alliance toon on the same server rofl, not too mention not realizing paladins couldn’t be horde and shammies couldn’t be alliance hue hue). All those private servers didn’t have huge populations of people, it was a small niche of players that missed the game they fell in love with.

TLDR; retail players will cry when they have to walk everywhere and can’t use dungeon finder.

Game play elements associated with flying were introduced in Cataclysm. In fact, using them is REQUIRED - I know this because I tried to re-level a character without them entirely and got stuck at several points that required it.

It’s been tried, it failed.

I don’t target weak targets. I have never ganked weak targets. I fight 1v1, or worse odds for myself or not at all. If a team mate wants to jump someone, I stand by and I let them duel.

On several occasions in vanilla I was taking on players 3v1, but you know what they say about assuming.


I’ve even read one of your earlier posts talking about how you wished that flying was kept at 60% speed so that ground mounts would be the preferred mode of travel.

You must be confusing me with someone else, or you failed reading comprehension. I don’t want ANY flying mounts.

Several players would actually argue that Retail is not balanced at all.

Vanilla is balanced in the fact that each class has it’s own utility, and it’s own purpose based on the holy trinity. Mages are glass cannons, so are rogues. Paladins are hardy and can heal themselves but not do a lot of damage. Warriors are hardy and can do damage but cannot heal.

It’s as balanced as it would be in a holy trinity game.

When I first started playing Vanilla, my first character was a night elf hunter. I didn’t know what I was doing so I have a lot of memories from leveling that hunter.

As such during beta I created a night elf hunter. Boy, had I forgotten. The hunter and pet leveling process I found to be much harder than I remembered it. So difficult, I have decided to level a gnome mage as my first character. So so much easier.

Anyway I am in Classic for the nostalgia. How long I stay active in Classic is to be seen. I know for me the Classic experience will be different than the Vanilla experience (no Frostsaber grind for me this time). I do expect that those players who never played Vanilla are going to drop off fast, even though they don’t know it yet.

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Netherwing , Kazzak, Ogre and Skettis were in BC.

140k active players for 1 server with over 10-15 thousand concurrent players with no layering isn’t a huge population?
For ONE server? Come on bro.


You just solidified my point there.

You want a simple game, you want instant gratification and something easy.

Vanilla players relish the challenge. It’s part of the experience. If you don’t want a challenge, you can play retail and be the hero. That’s your choice.

Sure, that disqualifies her point even more so then. Flying required elements have been in the game since BC.

Nope you misunderstand. I’m not one of the people who enjoy retail. Ion and his team have completely decimated retail IMO for a very long list of reasons, which I outlined in a different thread but the TLDR of it was everything that happened with regard to game changes from Cataclysm onward. The last straw for me however was the incessant timegating of being able to fly for every expansion post WoD. The wait from launch to PF part 2 on legion was around 8 months. In BFA it was over 10. I got sick of it and said F you to the current devs and quit. Classic may not have flying, but it has so many other things that I’ve missed that were taken away from us, that I’m willing to take the good with the bad

I would say the inverse is true for me. I enjoyed BFA for the initial play through UNTIL flying mounts were released. Now I refuse to play it.

There is nothing more enjoyable than doing your quest when a sudden high level decides it’s time to fly down and one shot you, and then camp you, because blizzard doesn’t understand how to balance leveling.

I still remember in classic when I killed a level 58 on a level 36 rogue.