Why do people defend pathfinder?

That’s apparently fun for the guy I was replying to. He literally just said he likes that the world is smaller. In an MMO. He wants the world small… :exploding_head:

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Wow has flying right now. It’s literally the thing I’m arguing for. I’ve said flying makes the game more fun hence why I’m here. I’m trying to push and push and push to not have flying be gated for a year in the next expansion. I want to enjoy the start of an expansion again.


Pure, unfounded speculation.
Flight licenses were always affordable.

oh I forgot to mention, all the NPCs, both friendly and unfriendly will be crammed in their, shoulder to shoulder too. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :scream: :crazy_face:

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Dang. In that case we will need to add some kind of deodorant or gas mask item if we don’t want our characters to die of asphyxiation.

I agree with you, just how wierd, such a game would be. He is not talking about improving World of Warcraft. He is talking about a phone app, that does not need a screen bigger then a standard smart phones.

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I see, and do you speak for everyone in the community?

Yes once they were, prior to adding the tokens, now we have an over inflated market that they try to tame with gold sinks all the time. Again, you’d probably know that if you actually paid for an expansion in the last six years. You see, where a basic flying gryphon was once 60g, you are now looking at 90k gold. You thinking it’s going to be sooo cheap is purely anecdotal at best when in the whole current aspect of the game (which again you don’t play) everything is more expensive. The gold you get from completing the story and wqs no longer adds up like it did in the past. But carry on, you always do.

The entire point of the game is PF, “Player Franchise”, this is my game, I’ll play how I want to. It should not be PF “Pathfinder” you will do what your told, or we WILL withhold flying from you. :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:


LOL. Still pure speculation.

Defend PF all you want. I refuse to spend a cent on any expansion that has it.

Happily I have lots of other games to play – three of them with player flight. Also happily, the devs of those games recognize how popular flight is and they are happy to support it.

#PF sucks

Same to you. I find it hilarious that all you do is speculate, yet when people point out facts you use that word as a shield. You also make constant assumptions, waggle your finger at yourself too, you have 89 posts here making your own assumptions, when fact still remains that you don’t partake in any current content once it is live. That is not an assumption either. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I think you are right that flying would be more expensive but I don’t think it would be significantly higher. I think they would price it around how much gold you would earn questing through all the areas. It wouldn’t be very fair for people who just bought the game for that xpac. Then again, this is just speculation as well.

I have every right to my opinion and to express it here. I’m a paying customer same as you.

Show me where I’ve speculated about the price of non-existent area flight licenses.

I have merely stated that there is no reason to believe that the cost of area flight licenses would be punishing, outrageous or ridiculously high. I base this on the past facts and the way it was at the time. Notably tokens happened the same year the ill-fated no flight ever decision happened (in fact, the month before).

Not speculation, fact.

Since that time, expansion areas are tiny and crammed with trashpacks, the game is time-gated, on rails and has become all about Pathfinder.

Not speculation, Fact.

World of Pathfinder may be your cuppa tea, but it isn’t mine. The absence of players in retail (holiday events do fluff pops but only temporarily) – all of my servers are ghost towns – suggests other players don’t like it either.

Anecdotally, everyone I play with hates it and of the few that bothered with BfA despite the beta (still essentially the same game LOL) unsubbed for over a year till they could get flight.

Also not speculation, but fact and personal experience.



Again not facts, you are using merely supposition. You have no idea what the world is like in live fact. You take other people’s word for it, also fact. I don’t know where you come by all you so called facts, if it’s the forums purely, you have a reality to come to terms with.

You see as I and many have told you before in this thread, less than 5% of players actually come here. If you actually took the time to bother reading and comprehending those who don’t share your opinions you may grasp that.

Yes that is a fact, however you thinking that the prices won’t go up is merely your speculation… yea it’s fun to use your own wording against you.

Pathfinder only unlocks another form of travel nothing more, you keep thinking it’s content, when in reality it is not. You need to actually focus on other things the game offers.

Wow, pathfinder is the whole game right? Forget dungeons, raids, warfronts, battlegrounds, the war campaign and so many more features. Yeah that’s a you thing, you see the game still isn’t free to play. People like me and so many others actually contribute more than just 15/mo you see. We shell out for expansions, some of us on multiple accounts. It is more than just paying for monthly access as a whole. But hey, you can keep on thinking you know better, you always do.

Cool I bet those are the same people who whine that it takes forever to get the reps and stuff too?

To end it all, just following your lead again…


Why do you think flying cost should be punitive?


Why do you assume it wouldn’t be since everything in the game lately has gone this route? All speculation, but thing is looking through this thread people seem to think that them charging more perspective is probably the right one.

Indeed I don’t know why I respond to them… I’m pretty sure even brick walls make for better conversations AND they use better logic lol.


Pathfinder being removed is confirmed now. In all seriousness it amazes me how fast they change things when streamers say something.

  • Room full of hundreds of people booing and forums overwhelming hating the way flight has been = no change.
  • Few steamers saying they don’t like it = changes incoming.

I wonder what your comments will be if they remove PF or change it.

You have a weird way of spelling “tedious”.