Why do people consider this mode dead?

Stormwind packed with people and everything seems really active

There are countless Retail servers that are completely barren compared to this


People have literally been saying “WoW is dead.” since time immemorial.



For some people if it’s not a mega server it’s a dead server. I agree though, the population level seems fine and for the most part the community is great.

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yeah HC population is fine. it’s like a nice quiet suburb compared to a megaserver downtown city life :expressionless:


i logged in and saw that DP-A was 3 layered

how is the realm listed at low pop? i remember it being listed at Medium on 2 layers. and this is the middle of a weekday during TWW early access?


Do y’all know whether DP or SR is better ping for Oceania players?

They are probably similar, SR is pretty dead, but if you don’t mind that, my recommendation would be to play one of each to about 10 and see if your latency is better or worse on either server then go with the one thats best unless its close and then pick either DP for more people, or SR for that solo experience.

SR is fine on horde side :expressionless:

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The mode isn’t dead. People may call it that in a failure to be able to communicate the nuance between ‘dead’ and ‘niche’.

Potentially, this game mode may not appeal to some people because none of their friends, streamers, or others in their social circle are playing it. And to some, that is what (I think) they enjoy most about games.

But to others, who are willing to meet new people and make new social connections, there is still a very good number of people playing this game mode.

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Started a warrior. I like to jump into hardcore when the other modes get boring.

My hunter is pretty much geared in cata and i dont see myself realistically getting 2200 in any pvp mode so, hardcore is nice and refreshing right now.

Feels nice to just hit the L and slowly level up, and since its one life, there is this weird disconnect in the sense that i likely wont have to invest too much time into the character, i just enjoy the journey until my untimely death.

Good mode. Just need to squish the whiners who QQ when they die to “disconnect”. Get over it gummy bears.

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