It might be time to use your monthly mulligan.
I just say: “Meet me at the airport”… >.>
See in mass we just add adjectives.
“Odd 'orrible Oribos.”
“Old Oriele Oribos.”
“Oribos the 'onorable åss pain”
Here in Missouri we just go ‘that place over there’.
Because it’s easier than saying “Ouroboros”.
I needlessly extend the name of the floating torch to Oriboros because of that.
I call it Oribos International Airport…
Now I want to call it Oribos International Wyrmport…
Cause ethereal wyrms…
Tauren Mill says Hi!
Watch out for the rouge.
Sylvanus betrayed us all.
People love to butcher names in WoW despite everything being spelled out in front of them quite literally.
We say over yonder where I’m from.
What’s weird is you made a forum post something that doesn’t happen
It isn’t Somtwond?
I finally had to give in and look up “arvo,” cuz dayum, that one made no sense at all.
It’s Orbost
Ugh, my wife still calls revendreth “rivendell”.
She doesn’t even like LOTR.
Quiet Soman, gotta stick to words 5 or less.
I’m 'strayan
Fixed. Sorry mate, too many syllabs.
Edit: nvm I see constabull nobully got to the scene first
I play WoW, while not M+ in SL, i chill in Orbs troll’n
- Orbis is for the noobs
I just had Maplestory flashbacks
I prefer to chill in O. Orbs is for nooblets.