Why do new players need to be handheld so much?

In no way does anyone ever think an automotive technician would know where their keys are. It’s just a bad analogy.


It’s a perfectly good analogy. I was working on software development for a large computer manufacturer. We were developing a relational database. I was doing the DDL commands (the schema compiler).

At our apartment complex someone came to me and said “You know about computers, right”? I said well sure. They said I just bought a PC (It was along about Windows 3.1), what button do I push to go from DOS to Windows.

Now I had never been within 100 feet of a PC at that point so I had no clue. That didn’t mean I didn’t know about computers, I just didn’t know what button Bill Gates had picked to go from DOS to Windows.

Likewise, a perfect intelligent person might not know when playing a game they never played before what button you push to make your character move, select a weapon or fight. It’s what ever button some programmed decided they wanted people to push. That doesn’t mean you are not intelligent or that you know nothing about computers.

It’s a terrible analogy. Expecting anyone else to know where you put your keys is literally insanity.


It is like someone trying to have a decent conversation in GD. Insanity I tell you.

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Well, I’d first posit that there is no point in posting something where everything goes well. No clicks or thumbs in that. So the percentage of those bad-at-that is most likely minuscule in the overall count.

I don’t understand why crafting something to be intuitive is a negative when it comes to video games. No one would think, let alone post, how great it was when we were more fit as we hauled ice-blocks from the basement so we could have “refrigeration” no matter how great their memories of it; and yet here we are regretting that players no longer have to tab out as frequently.

I know you are not trying to pull the generation card, but I do think that you have not grown up with the current gaming systems. I’m not saying you don’t play them - I’m saying you are not clicking with how it is to grow up from a different generation of gaming systems.

There are games to flex your mental muscle out there, and while you can use WoW to do so, that is not the marching orders. What you seem to miss is the “thrown in the deep end with a few and working together to survive” experience. It’s unique, and fun, but it’s over now. WoW cannot recapture that.

Just zoom out a bit, take in the wider view; that’s all I’m saying. Good gaming to you.

This game is not very friendly to beginners. Theres guides online but beginners dont know about them, if you dont just know its really hard for examplw to know shere to gdt better gear, what ilvl you need for various raids, mythic dungeons etc.

The game already tells you what item level you need to do what. Also, the game also provides them the necessary tools and coming in the war within they are already providing many more tools for new players. And more ways to enjoy endgame without the need to step into a raid or dungeon and they are making the open world thy the fourth pillar.

Bizarre take, OP. If I were a new player this game would confuse me so much. The only reason I can play it with any understanding is I’ve been playing for a while, albeit not every xpac.

I think people think WoW handholds because the tutorial island is completely brain-dead and treats you like an idiot. Where the game isn’t new player friendly is teaching newer players how to do end-game stuff. It used to be you learned a lot of stuff as you leveled since leveling was a lot slower, but that’s not really a thing anymore. Also the game had far fewer systems the further back you go. It didn’t have 236462136435 modes, phases, setting, and difficulties for everything.

Also it should be noted whatever nonsense the meta is, has always been player-crafted and can only be learned via exposure to other players. Even back in vanilla there was a meta. In retrospect it sucked because people were inexperienced and the game wasn’t solved, but it still existed. Remember “Wait for 3 sunders”? So that aspect is out of Blizzard’s hands.

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And yet somehow you think every other mmo does this any better? Please enlighten me in terms of which other mmo that does this job better?

No it doesnt, where does the game tell you what ilvl to do mythics or raids above lfr, or even what the progression should be. Is a heroic dungeon harder than a nirmal raid? Theres no way to intuit this informatjon really other than looking in the journal and seeing what gear drops but new players arent going to know to use that as a metric.

True in tww its getting more beginner friendly but that doesnt defeat anything i said. Theres a lot of things in wow you just have to know or look up and that makes it really hard for a new player.

Why do you except YouTube “reaction videos” to be honest? I’m willing to bet 99% of those are fake and filled with unnecessary drama to get clicks.