Why do level 60s farm low level harpies

I keep seeing 60s farming low level harpy spots, when I ask them why, I never get a response. Bots? Kinda makes it a pain to do any quest involving harpy kills

Vibrant plumes , light feathers?


I need Light Feathers in order to use my Slow Fall ability. Priests want them, too, for Levitate.

EDIT: Since, youā€™re posting on your Horde Avatar, Iā€™m assuming the ā€œlow levelā€ Harpies youā€™re talking about, are around Mulgore, right? Itā€™s an easy spot, for Horde, to farm for Light Feathers, pretty easily, especially on a PvP Server.

Iā€™ve seen it in a bunch of places but worst spot so far is the cave in thousand needles. Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s impossible to do this grenka quest when thereā€™s always 2 lvl 60 mages arcane blasting everything in there.

Just weird

Blizzard could easily solve this by putting light feathers on the reagent vendors.

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Itā€™s not a problem - it is a feature of the game. A wrinkle that make the place feel real. Why is it every time someone experiences an obstacle in the game, people chime in that Blizzard needs to ā€˜fixā€™ something. Obstacles are the spice that make the game fun.


The real pain, is all the damn alliance bots farming earth elementals in badlands.

Go do it in an instance!



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If it aintā€™ for a low level quest, then itā€™s for something they need. And if they need it, be assured, you can sell it on the AH for a bit of gold.

Given the length of Horde PVP queues Iā€™m guessing it is people killing time with a quick farm relatively close to Org/TB battlemasters.

You can q for a BG then fly out and kill some hapies and make 2-10g on some light feathers and possibly a ā€œof the Eagle/Bear/Monkeyā€ green item.

I used to self-fund a 19 twink hunter with 30min BG queue time by running around Barrens mining like crazy then crafting Target Dummies to loot the Fused Wiring once they failed.

Blizzard, do not listen to this man. Many a low level player has paid their training expenses by farming light feathers.


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Get a room! :angry:


No. Letā€™s not do that.

Iā€™m guessing that once again sarcasm does not translate in text :joy:

plus its ā€œdeath by a thousand cutsā€ like this that lead to retail.

I hear that! It was a pain doing the quest there, they got mean if you even rode by

My gold farm has been exposed. I do this when Iā€™m not doing anything to get some easy pocket change.

I donā€™t know any other farms :frowning: