Why do I still have to turn clutter down to see ground AoEs in Delves like Fungal Folly?

How has this not been fixed yet? You can “improve” the aoe telegraphs all you want, it don’t mean jack :poop: if it gets covered up by a leaf.


Not really sure what you want here.

Do you want void zones to hover 3 yards off the ground?

Do you want Blizzard to design their environments as completely smooth flat surfaces in case their players aren’t smart enough to extrapolate the 15% of a circle that’s covered by a rock?

It’s funny but also a bit sad whenever I have to turn graphics down to finish quests.

Doesn’t happen too often in Retail, but my god it happens a lot in Classic.

That Elwynn Forest logging quest where you pick up the small log piles near the base of the trees near all the bears and wolves?

The grass clutter was literally blocking the log piles from being seen on the ground. Had to turn off ground clutter/grass to see them.

In TWW, if the wax on the ground didn’t glow purple in an outline, I’d probably have the same problem there in select zones like Isle of Dorn.

I believe they’re adding an outline to ground effects, in 11.1.

…for the ground effects to go over ground clutter not under.


They are adding new visuals for ground swirlies in 11.1.

That’s nice, is it going to get covered up by ground clutter? You can change it to the shape of a chicken, still doesn’t matter.

Such bad design. If people can’t see the swirlies then maybe don’t make them a major focus of your game