Why do I have a tail?

Doesn’t everyone do that?

Talk about Pot meet Electric water boiler.

This…this existed?



For coiling around my fingers when I’m bored, of course.

I haven’t found any other use for them so far.

I wonder if Blizzard is ever going to go into Draenai Origins/Evolution.

Cause I think whatever they Evolved from would be Awesome.
Like a Demon-Talbak creature.

Obviously it’s there for breeding. The tail places greater emphasis on your fertile signals.

Trust me, I’m an…expert on Draenei anatomy. I have a degree, probably.

It’s to keep the thirsty boys away from your waggle.

A horse has a tail that is seemingly non functional as well.
(It also has hooves, can’t climb trees, and does not use it for balance, they do however swing em from side to side to get rid of flies. Same goes for cows, donkeys and various other animals with hooves.)

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because your race was reverse-engineered from demons and demons gotta look evil

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Tail goes with the /waggle. Do not dis the tail, or you get the horns (and hooves).

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Because waggle.

You will find that the waggle is impossible without the tail.

No tail, no waggle.

And a Draenei Femme minus the Waggle is nothing.

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