The females like 'em.
Classic Darwinian Sexual Selection at work!
The females like 'em.
Classic Darwinian Sexual Selection at work!
That tail is actually a vestigial tentacle
cause goats have tails
So what I hear you saying is you Google strange things late at night…
That is sexy. I need this pic for… research.
Give me tails on Worgen please.
I’ve seen fan art for what they think the tail is for.
How do you know that? Have you tried running around without a tail on those hooves with those legs so awkwardly stuck on the end of your torso?
Have you ever seen ANY creature with hooves that didn’t have a tail?
Lol, I was just thinking the EXACT same thing on all points, and was searching the comments to see if anyone else had posted it, before I made my post mentioning it.
because the males find them attractive, duh.
If you don’t need it, wanna sell it? I got some worgen who would absolutely adore having a nice tail!
I think of it as a “handle.”
So you question the tail but not the tentacles? What function do they serve?
That’s what makes them awesome at magic, its a sensory organ that allows them to pick up on arcane energies. Or so I think…
To be fair, everybody finds it attractive. Sargeras liked it so much he just took over the planet.
Oh, I think you know.
i coulda sworn this was some Rupi Kaur poem
Yes we need it. Look at our legs, there are not made for bipeds, and we need a tail to stay balanced. And here comes a pro tip: when you running your tail it’s very useful to maneuver.
It enhances the ‘experience’.