Is there any references to this? It would be new information to me that would change my thoughts on the matter.
Well we have Drek’Thar, and of course Thrall himself.
Through Drek’Thar there’d be a connection to Doomhammer where we do have proof of something because initially “Terenas fervently hoped that a treaty could be arranged.” (
Although what that treaty consisted of we have no idea, but I’d assume it would’ve been a better outcome because they’d have someone to organize and convince the Orcs to adopt new values. This would’ve been a good path to keep pursuing. It’s indicative of an organized effort with a long-term solution in mind.
Funnily, enough that was Blackmoore’s plan where he intended for Thrall to lead the Orcs:
Thrall would earn the orcs’ trust and respect in Blackmoore’s plan and would lead them into battle, but Thrall would also have been conditioned to be completely loyal and obedient to Blackmoore by that time and would turn over the kingdom to the human lord once he had conquered it
Yes, they were splintering and there were other threats to take care of. We have one good example here:
But I don’t think that absolves the Alliance of Lordaeron from fumbling with the entire situation.
Do not mistake this as support or approval of what the Orcs did. That link shows that there were still some Orcs that were worshipping demons. Clearly, the average Human was not going to be happy having just gone through a terrible war. But I think criticism needs to be applied on both sides.
Also back to the entire bit of slavery. Honestly, trying to frame a discussion around this leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I propose settling on Prisoners of War. I think that pays some respect and empathy to the poor conditions that the Orcs had to go through, where you can even read their lethargy as some form of depression/PTSD. While also paying some respect to the socio-political mess that the Alliance of Lordaeron had to resolve and navigate after being the victim of a severe war crime.