Could they not at least buff it a bit so that getting tier pieces actually feel like upgrades?
is the new tier nards or something?
For Dev yeah.
Barely an upgrade when all tier pieces are atleast heroic ilvl.
Evokers are the Reluctant Dragon. Just accept this.
The tier doesn’t work that well for scalecommander, however it is a huge dps increase for Flameshaper which is better in pure single target dps, and is pretty equal in M+. However since the raid is like majority cleave fights scalecommander is better for those.
I was shocked when I got my 4 set and it was basically the same dps as my season one 4 set when I simmed it, despite the huge increase in ilv. Big thumbs down for the set bonus.
Not that I like the whole borrowed power thing, but good grief imagine if we were allowed to use the previous set bonus but at a season two ilv. NO ONE would use this set. And I didn’t even consider the season one set all that good.
I don’t know if sims are wrong or what but flameshaper is actually simming higher for me by a considerable amount than scale commander in a dungeon slice now. But I’ll take it, because I hate one shotting myself by having to constantly use deep breath so often as scale commander.
Edit: I think it’s because of 4 set and it being better for flameshaper.
per sims its a 300k+ dps loss
2.45 in s1 at 653 ilev
2.01 in s2 at 659 ilev
stats are identical for those wondering
HUGE fail
I imagine it’s because the Shattering Stars don’t proc Essence Bursts. The previous tier gave about 3 bursts per minute.
They used to, then it got removed for whatever reason. No clue why.
At least our AoE dps of 4 targets at once is good, I guess.
That would have been great but kinda OP, seeing how much I get jackpots with evoker compared to my warlock.