Why do Covenant Abilities/Restrictions remove player agency?



We’re all allowed to have our personal preferences. I’m not alone - there are plenty of others who have expressed my point as the reason why we enjoy the punitive nature of the covenant system.

I don’t want to convince a developer of anything - I want the system to be what they’ve designed.

Any weight my words carry go along with the confirmation that swapping covenants for try-hards with be punishing at today’s interview with Ion.

Because there are players that delight in denying players that “choose wrong” content.

Let me break it down: if the covenants/abilities are able to be switched, easily or not, there will be those that will be like “alright, this ability is best for x (x being whatever content) any who don’t have it are trash and should not be invited”.

Those that delight in the “denial of choice” are likely those that delight in telling guide worshipers to F OFF. A lot of us want to play our way, in ways we know work yet don’t always follow the guides posted, that is the CHOICE we want. Yet there are those that try to defend choice, like you want, yet then make the choice “play our way or quit the game”.

The only ones that will hate covenants are either a) those that want to tell others what to do or b) those that want to be the best in all areas

My covenant choices are already near done, based on THEME of the covenant. will that mean I make some bad choices for each character? sure, However, I will still be doing as much min/maxing as I can within that limitation. Maybe the covenant ability is bad for raiding/dungeons/PvP but the right soulbind can at least bring it in line with others. Maybe all the soulbinds are bad for certain content, but the ability is top for that same content.

All in all, I’d just want it set up so that after we are done with one covenant, we can go to the arbiter and choose if we want to work with another while keeping the abilities from the last one(s) we worked with, that is if Blizzard makes it so we can earn all abilities by expansion end.


I would love to make choices based on the theme of the covenant I won’t be able to because I won’t accept being a detriment to my raid team because I want a cooler looking mount or mog. That’s why there should just be two more talent rows because signature abilities are also going to be a big problem.

Unless you are playing world first having a sub optimal talent/build/spec wont be a detriment to your raid team, what is a detriment are players who cant do mechanics, players who cant play their class well even if they follow the meta guide and usually major mistakes.

So if you are wiping it is definitely not because someone has a sub optimal build

In general I’d rather just have more choice and player agency rather than looking up on wowhead which covenant I should choose for the rest of the expansion.

You can be a detriment without actively causing a wipe. I’m not sure why this is hard to comprehend. Let’s say I can play to 90% of my potential consistently with cov a that is 50k so 45k dps with cov b that is 40k so 36k dps. If I choose cov b I am a detriment to my raid team over someone who has chosen cov a. This isn’t even taking signature abilities into account. There are lot of dps checks in this game and most wipes are due to either lacking dps or bad play.

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Agreed I want to choose based on aesthetics and story but atm it looks like signatures and cov abilties and soulbounds and legendaries will determine my choice which blows. With so many moving parts something will be busted because blizzard can’t even balance a fairly simple system like corruption.

That is an excellent example.

You are saying that these 2 people are equally skilled and can perform at 90% of build’s max dps, that suggests they are performing pretty well parse wise by ilvl.

So if your raid is wiping while players are skilled enough to reach good DPS with all builds then clearly the DPS isnt the issue, the issue would be people failing mechanics.

if you check parses often times you find raid teams that clear content with half the raid team having green or grey parses by ilvl while a few having purple or orange parses.

That suggests that not only can you carry people who are performing terrible, you dont even need to be close to 90% performance to clear content.

Like i said before, the only time you need that extra 4k dps is during world first, if your raid keeps wiping it isnt because you lack 4k dps, it is because people are bad and are simply trying to find something to blame.

A group of people who do mechanics well and can reach 90% performance will one shot everything even with the occasional death, because the content is not tuned to anywhere near that level of skill.

4k dps over a six minute fight is 1.4 million damage now let’s say half the raid team cares more about aesthetics than damage that 14 million damage yes I have had plenty of wipes at that range. Also it’s not just about hard enrage timers on Vexiona it’s important to push between adds sets or it’s usually going to be a wipe because of dealing with adds plus increased boss damage if you can’t make that check you will wipe over and over.

Also no they absolutely will not one shot rofl content is tuned tighter than that outside lol heroic which I literally took an alt I hadn’t played in 4 months and led a group through.

You really shouldn’t be calling people bad when you have to pay for runs.

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lol - while true; I wouldn’t feed the trolls. He’s one of the type that enjoys the system because of its punitive nature on a lot of players.

Funny I seem to be doing 2/2/6 pugs at times where most could be performing better for their ilvl and we are doing just fine : )

Maybe the issue is that some players are bad or people cant do mechanics

I got a ton of carries in legion when I was playing new characters, there’s nothing shameful or bad for getting a gear boost when the game can only be played and be fun with gear, if you also checked my character at that time had a rly low ilvl, and was the first week I was playing hunter.

So I am not sure what is your point exactly, do you believe that buying carries for your alts/new main=bad player?

Oh so being a “good” aka skilled player now is about having many equally competent “”“friends”""?

Sorry but if I am gonna judge someone’s skill I ll usually check logs by ilvl and whenever or not are doing well or just farming logs via tunneling dps but that’s just me.

It’s not either/or. We can have both agency in picking our covenant and be able to get into groups. Blizzard just has to do a better job of balancing the abilities.

Telling people that are scared they’ll be booted from their raid group for picking their favorite covenant to just go screw is ridiculous. The fact of the matter is that whether we “decide” to stop simming or not, we are still at the mercy of other players that won’t make the same decision. Blizzard could at least meet us halfway and tune things better. They can’t even seem to make a row of talents that all deal damage fairly equal and I don’t understand it. This shouldn’t be so hard.

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2/2/6 isn’t mythic I can clear heroic with the most suboptimal specs in the game I do not care about heroic.

Let’s be real here. At no point have they said you can’t switch, they’ve said it will be difficult to do so.

The people whining about this are not whining because they are literally locked into a covenant FOREVER, but because they won’t be able to switch covenant abilities between every single pull for absolute efficiency.

A choice without consequences is NOT a choice. I am all for locking people into their choice, or getting rid of all the choices period, and making every covenant exactly the same.

I hate that min max atmosphere that has started to fester in WoW, where people will change their talents and azerite selections multiple times a day. They are no longer meaningful choices at that point, but just tedious toggles that you have to fiddle with on a regular basis if you want to compete.


That does seem to make sense in a lot of ways.

The potential permanence of the choice you make is actually making me warm up to covenants a lot more.

The idea of having to switch around based on which is “Covenant of the Month” initially turned me off of the system.

Bring on the tough choices!


Exactly, this is the same logic as FotMers, and these people are the lowest of the low and nobody should ever bother listening to their complaints.

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I agree! well said!