Why do classic players say, “retail failed.”

Great I love cheese! What kind?

I nice soft Brie and some cheddar, because everything is better with cheddar.

It failed to retain its original audience. there ya go

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imagine joining the US army and claiming to be all you can be, meanwhile you have an offer by the vastly superior canadian army in your mailbox. Haters will always say the army they are not apart of is worse than their own, or better yet they’ll only be apart of one army and not be apart of two. Like yeah bro you’re the best you can be meanwhile you’re spending your summers flipping burgers for your family.

The truth of the matter is classic was built for tauren and trolls who only have 3 fingers, they may front as a human or dwarf but we know they aren’t fooling anybody.

Your analogy doesn’t apply here because what the OP doesn’t realize is. Retail players say Retail failed. WoW players say Retail failed. Gamers say Retail failed. Every demographic is saying Retail failed…because it did. That’s why hardly anyone is playing it and playing other games.

You can read any forum, Classic, Retail, Reddit or some gamer magazine. The result is the same. Retail factually failed and the franchise has been dead for years. Will Retail ever be saved? Unfortunately if nothing changes, then nothing changes.

What did it fail at? Most people don’t follow the lore well enough to even notice inconsistencies until someone else points them out, I’d even doubt the literacy rates among most wow player.

In what world are people supposed to not grow out of video games? Retaining a fanbase is asking a developer to appeal to people who can’t move on, if they’re failing at that then it’s a good thing. Maybe the devs are realizing now that the personality types which are stuck for life are the ones that don’t want new things, they just want the thing they’re used to and they’ll debate to the moon and back about how what they’re doing is “better than the rest” so they feel justified wasting their time away.


And? What is your point?

No, it failed to retain some of the original audience and most of that has nothing to do with “failure”.

I have a hard time taking this question seriously when it’s painfully obvious.

BFA was considered to be at the time a low point for WoW. They introduced terrible gate-keeping and systems. The players expected that after the failure that was BFA that there would be a “Redeeming” expansion. That Blizzard learned from mistakes, everyone was wrong.

Then SL came out. Aka Systemlands. Not only did the Devs not listen they LIED. Everyone warned them about Cov. The Devs promised not to add more systems and everything was in place then in the very first Tier went back on promises, driving away players from the game for good.

SL is the worst expansion ever created for an MMO, not just WoW but for an MMO. FF16 then got a massive surge in players that were WoW refugees. WoW players decided to start playing other games because of HOW MASSIVE A FAILURE SL was. SL failed in every possible player metric and caused permanent damage to the franchise. Key word PERMANENT.

The reason why DF is doing so poorly and failing is because there is a lag effect from how badly Retail messed up for YEARS!!! Not a little bit of time but YEARS! There has been several atrocious expansions in a row.

Many WoW fans can’t be won back or it will take a long time. It’s likely the current Dev team can’t do it because they clearly don’t know what a good game looks like. There are just other games to play now that are more fun or better than Retail.

If this isn’t clear then idk what to say. It’s just a summarized history lesson. I left out alot of course cause there isn’t a reason to go more in depth.

  • Blizzard hasn’t made a good game in nearly a decade. If that isn’t failing I don’t know what is. The only good games Blizz can do is re-releasing previous Classics. It’s a washed up company and why it got bought by Microsoft for Discount price.

/Close Thread Solution is provided.


This is a discussion form their is no solutions, just things to discuss. Also Blizzard didn’t sell at a discount price, they sold at their going share rate which is close to a historical high. To pretend the company isn’t doing well based off your feelings of the game is fine, but the #s say blizzard is a healthy and alive company. (They are publicly traded you can look all of this up)

Now if their games are actually any good that’s another conversation

Failing had nothing to do with failure eh? Such wisdom

Sure it does, blizzard has made a number of design decisions that lost them millions of subs.


There are facts which have been provided and are solutions.

This is wrong. Unlike you I understand the facts and use them. In the video you will see precious Bobby Kotick’s face go from smiling to pain (which is hilarious!) when the CNBC castor asks Phil Spencer about the perfect time of acquiring Activision that is on discount and down 27% for the year. In many interviews it was mentioned about the stock on discount due to the large drop in price. I actually follow the financial market.

I time stamped it for you. Activision was factually bought for discount. I never mind the history lessons. Seriously, I could watch Bobby Kotick feeling being hurt all day.


Discussions are fun but at least acknowledge the facts otherwise why are you even discussing anything.

/Again Close Thread, Solutions Have been Provided

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There are literally zero facts in your post that I responded too. It’s big opinion piece. A 30second search literally shows they sold at 95$ a share. They are currently at 91$, so how did they sell at a discount?


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The stock literally collapsed and was acquired when it was down 27%. These are the facts and I watch my Squak box on the street financial news everyday. I saw this interview live and love going back to it to watch Bobby’s sad face when they mention Activision was bought at discount due to suffering stock prices.

It’s literally not, I literally linked you the video of Bobby having a mental breakdown when they asked the CEO of Microsoft Phil Spencer about now being the time to acquire Activision since it’s down massively.

You guys aren’t even good trolls or maybe you just don’t know how to understand information.

I can only take a horse to water… If you are going to ignore facts that was time stamped for you with both CEO’s in a financial interview, then that is on you. Not going to feed you anymore

/Close Thread Solutions Have been Provided.

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You can look up their stock price it never dipped 27% percent.

They were purchased at 95$ a share (fact)

They have a historical high of 103$. (fact)

Even if they sold at their peak it can not be 27% discount. They are also the fifth highest grossing gaming company, yet you say they have failed?

This really hurts the soul that you are this ignorant. Are you 12 or you just don’t understand financial history?

Activision high stock was 103.81 (2/12/21)
Activision stock crashed down too 57.36 (12/2/21) in 1 year ONE YEAR! In one year Activision stock crashed over 40%!

That is way more than a 27% drop. There were several large double digit drops in stock price during Shadowlands and when they were facing investigations from CA.

Microsoft swooped in and started negotiations with a struggling company which this is all documented. After an agreement was made. Activision stock rose 40% on the news after it’s crash.

Are you just so stubborn you can’t let someone explain it to you like you are 5 to understand it or… You just hate the fact you are wrong and history proves this with facts.

This is literally the timeline and there are several interviews and financial broadcast with Bobby and Phil where it was mentioned how Activision was suffering and how the timing was perfect for Microsoft being Activision’s stock crash and hard time in the news.

I can’t explain it any better. Facts don’t care about your feelings.

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Microsoft didn’t even start looking at blizzard till way after that dip which is why I was ignoring it, but yes they did have a bad year.

They still

Sold at 95$ a share
With a Historical high of $103

I don’t know if you can do math but that’s not a 27% difference. More like 8% and they weren’t at their high when they sold, they were actually valued at 91$ when they sold actually selling at a gain.

It’s a publicly traded company all of these numbers are available to anyone with access to the internet. I don’t know why your so fixated on one youtube video, that I didn’t bother watching because the stock portfolios are more factual.

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Yes they bought them at discount. :rofl: The massive dip allowed for Activision to be acquired. :man_facepalming: :weary:

They had a collapse 103 down too 57.

You don’t understand financials got it.

The 27% is one of the drops and in the interview I linked. If you ignore it that is on you. Both Phil and Bobby are there. You can watch it. It’s worth seeing Bobby upset that they asked Phil about now being the time to acquire Activision being it’s down 27%.

Exactly. I follow the stock market everyday and have been explaining it too you but you are too dense to get it.

I’m done wasting my time with you. The only benefit is I actually listed some good factual information for anyone else who reads this thread wants to know about history, financials. They can just ignore your incoherent ramblings.

/Close Thread Solutions Have been Provided

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