Why do classic players say, “retail failed.”

Dragonflight was the first good expansion ever since Wrath

Cata to Shadowlands was one massive era of doo doo

So yeah. retail failed

That was true as soon as you turned up in it. That’s for sure. You could search for “retail failed” and see all the results in the classic forums, but why do that when you can just be lazy and tell lies that fit your own personal narrative, followed by an axe emoji.

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Looks like the only person that’s ever typed the phrase “retail failed” on the WotLK Classic forum has been you.

Reading the WotLK Classic forum, it is apparent that Classic players don’t want retail features in Classic.

It’s understandable that Classic players playing Classic don’t want things that aren’t apart of the Classic version of the game introduced to Classic.

WoW Token being a great example, as well as balancing changes.

Perhaps the Classic version of the game is why Classic players are playing Classic. Changing Classic to introduce retail features or new made up systems and features, makes the game not Classic.

Seems as though the Classic playerbase has no problem with other players enjoying playing and doing whatever they wish to do. But why would other players force and want to ruin Classic for the players that wish to play Classic World of Warcraft: Vanilla, TBC, WotLK? Seems like a strange disconnect as to why people requested to have and play Classic for years.

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Did you even click the link you posted?

Also you may want to try sorting by date.

But who am I kidding… if you did all the work of making the link to the search while claiming I’m the only one whose ever said it(LMAO)that probably means you never had any intention of having a truthful conversation. You posted a lie and expected the audience to accept that lie at face value.

Wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors of spreading misinformation not based on reality, but how you FEEL.

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Some people can’t enjoy something without tearing something else down. It’s sad really. Just enjoy what you enjoy and let others do the same.


Is a game better because there’s more people playing it? By that standard mobile games are the top of the top of gaming and Fortnite is a masterpiece.


Retail right now is super massive. Everyone is everywhere. If you have 10,000 people all in a single stadium, it will maybe feel crowed. Those 10,000 all spread out across the entire city, everything feels deserted and empty. So…reason retail feels dead and like it has “failed”… too much open space.

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Yes by that standard it is better. But you see the topic isn’t what game is better, is it?

It’s asking what definition people are using to define “failed,” and if they’re aware it is still profitable, populated, has a way larger dev team, and by almost every measure we have available, more players playing it.

I play and enjoy both. They are both good games with positive and negative qualities.

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When you have to pay a subscription to play it. Yes.
And that’s why your examples of mobile games and Fortnite are irrelevant as those are free to play.

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And retail can fail for many reasons while still being successful in term of making money.

I don’t agree personally that a game is better just because more people play it. A game is better if people are more happy to play your game which often means that your game has to decide on a crowd to please.

I think a game can have fail its players when the amount of players that have dropped it is way bigger than the current playerbase.

That format is only relevant in term of making money. Is making money the standard to say if a game is good or not? I don’t think so.

Many games which made less money than others are rated better.

these posts are always amusing , we all pay $15 for the whole package , it’s all fine


We have no idea the breakdown of people logging in. I don’t think any of the versions alone surpass retail, but I do think if you add all versions of classic that we surpass retail players in player count. I come to this conclusion with third party website data tracking so take that with a grain of salt.

The newest retail raid has 73,000 logged kills of the first boss in the raid between all difficulties.
Classic has 114,000 logged killed (Just wrath not including HC/Classic).

On twitch right now in the top 20 wow streams there 15 classic streams (HC+WOTLK) and 5 retail streamers by view count.

Is retail dead no, but I don’t think its any healthier than classic is.

Disclaimer these are based on the last 2weeks and I don’t know retails raid schedule so this could be at the end of their tier or something.


This is artificially inflated by HC’s recent launch to be fair. It’s still the hype thing that attracts views.

Yes, but there are a lot of players in retail that do things other than raid such as M+. And retail has a lot more rated PvPers than Classic does.

And most Classic Raiders raid on at least 2 characters. Not to say there aren’t Retail Raiders that don’t raid on alts too, but I would greatly suspect it’s a much lower number than Classic Raiders.
I raid on 6 as an example.


Yeah it basically boils down to we don’t have access to the information to make anything, but our own educated guesses. I really think both games are doing well right now despite what some people try and push the narrative of.


It has been around for a minute. I’m reading this tier’s patch went live 5/2/23

I’m not sure when the next one is going live, late oct early November I believe.

It probably just evens out, but there are people like me who raid and log on both, though I admittedly log more retail raids as it is more alt friendly(though I wish retail had a trashless raid like togc!) but that’s a tangent we don’t need to go on…. I hear that logging is a lot more common in classic than retail and I can testify that many people in LFR raids have no idea what parsing is(or mechanics lawl) so I would imagine we have to take all this data with a grain of salt.

if you think that then you set the bar low lol

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Same, I don’t mind a transition room, but I love boss gauntlets. It feels like at some point they thought they needed to put entire enemy armies in every raid to make it feel authentic.

With those logged kills I was kind of surprised it’s heavily leaned towards heroic/mythic which is probably because LFR/Normal isn’t being logged. Snapshot data can never really be reliable, but on the surface I can see why someone would assume retail is dead.

Also it’s really nice to have an actual conversation instead of you just saying I don’t like your data you wrong, which seems to be the general reaction people give here.


Meanwhile, the HC community:

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How can you tell me its not true whilst providing no data to deny my claim?

You’d have to be injecting cope directly into your neck to think Classic is more populated than retail. The fact that there’s no way to calculate specifically how many transmog farmers and pet collectors and casual BGers there are to go along with the M+ players and raiders is irrelevant.

Raiding is the central Classic activity and an incredibly high percentage of the playerbase engages with it. That is not remotely true for retail and despite that Classic only logs like 30% more raiders. The only reasonable extrapolation is that retail is more active and it isn’t even close.

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