Why do classic players say, “retail failed.”

Flight paths are amazing. I can multitask much better when flight is automated. Flight paths are your pee and drink break. Maybe even respond to the people who messaged you while in a dungeon or just busy getting stuff done.

Also, enjoy the scenery, wow use to have such great views, along with great lore that went with it, cant exactly say the same for the newer stuff but yeah.

It can’t have more subs than Classic as when you sub for Retail you also get Classic. so they’d be even

Because not everyone logs, if only 1 million out of 40 million people raid log, you’ll only see 1 million player’s logs

Most 25 man raid activity happens to get logged. Occasionally, you’ll get that raid where exactly zero people were logging (pretty low probability, under 10%), but most of the time there’s someone logging. You can’t really stop them from logging it, even if you wanted to, which captures all 25. In retail you’re basically 4 man raiding (with 1 empty slot for some pay clown). Much higher probability nobody is logging.

Retail sucks, who cares.

Blizzard needs to get back to grass roots. Classic is an MMORPG where you’re in the world playing the game. Everything after OG Classic losses the “World” in Warcraft.

What Blizzard needs to do is:

  • Introduce Classic 2.0
  • 25m Raid Content
  • New Zones
  • New Dungeons
  • New Mechanics in MC, BWL, AQ, Naxx
  • Introduce more class specs (honestly go off wotlk talents as a base)
  • Revamp the honor system to be something played outside of BG spamming

The World in Classic is what makes classic amazing. Every expansion post Classic resulted in raid logging + sitting in major cities.


I played wotlk, cata, and MoP for the past 10 years on pservers. Personally i think cata feels more like wrath than like mop. It might be the massive HP increase that came with mop, the extreme homegenization, or maybe the new talent design, but to me mop feels a LOT less like classic than cata does. But they do both feel more modern than wrath, ill say that. Vanilla/TBC/Wotlk will always have the most classic feel.

Retail feels more like Legion than anything before. In my mind, pre-Legion is an era in itself, and Legion completely changed the feel of WoW forever. The game will never feel like pre-Legion again.

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Retail doesn’t have GDKPs but it does have paid carries, where you drop hundreds of thousands of gold to be carried through the entire Heroic/Mythic raid and keep the loot you get, along with getting AotC/CE achieves. They also sell M+ runs and Keystone achieve carries too.

I don’t consider that “p2w” (and I don’t consider GDKPs p2w either), but let’s not act like you can’t just buy the same things in retail.

Yes… and since I spent 6 years in the military traveling the globe I didn’t get to participate in alot of the higher end content… that and losing friends to other games and such I got discouraged and stopped playing some of the expansions early. I didn’t come in here and insult you or even bother looking up your achieves to form some sort of insult based on how you enjoy playing the game. Instead I just said retail isn’t dead and here’s why. I thoroughly enjoy df just as much as I enjoyed wotlk when it was new content. If you don’t then fine. To each their own.

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Not everyone can participate in high end content and you don’t need any excuse from that. Only pointing that if you are gonna make an experience statement then that your experience will be criticized.

Yeah they do. Lol you think I dont use transmogifer everywhere i go?

Sure. Go look at log statistics for total raid participation, pvp participation, everyone saying nobody signs up for dungeons.

Great - Send me the link to shows your data please.

As far as “everyone saying” - yea, that is not a valid stat/data point.

Youtube videos lol

i do and have done plenty of endgame content. I, however, did not play wod, i skipped half of BFA, and i skipped all of shadowlands… so the idea that my 24k+ achievement points isnt enough to justify my opinion is ludicrous. So if your going to criticize have a leg to stand on first

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I’ve said what I said. It’s up to people to choose if that does credit in your favor or not. I personally don’t give much credit purely on achievements points if those achievements do not mean much. I’ve collected them and collecting achievements can be fun, but pushing and completing content for me matters more from my perspective when talking about the game. Now that won’t be everyone perspective and that’s fine. But I think it’s a fair criticism when someone just says “I’ve played since Vanilla”.

well… I’ve played since vanilla… does that offend your for some reason? I didnt say it in order to tout my lack of having a life… i said it to state my experience. I don’t go around critiziing anyone for thier opinions… regardless of how long they’ve played. I’d imagine if i did it would make me look like a d-bag.


You did criticize people for their opinion by posting on this thread early on in your first post by doing an heavy generalization. This is a discussion at the end if you’re not willing to have it then you probably shouldn’t be posting or answering people that disagree with you. I’ve said what I said, you’re the one being obstinate about it. Criticizing someone experience is part of the deal and you disliking it doesn’t affect me.

Those older expac bots are not even breaking the game.

They are getting mats for the ocd people to close out old craftings lol. Retail doesn’t even have gathering bonuses and all legacy sets (even crafted) had bonuses ripped out long ago.

Hell they deprecated even engineering. It was classic that had me go damn…bombs used to be good for something besides vendor sales after leveling engineering making tons of useless crap.

People who value time over money will pay a pretty copper for say cobalt from wrath lol. NGL, I bought a few legacy mats there.

I wanted an armour mog, didn’t want to farm for it. A decent price versus AH price for the item to get the level to make it? Why the hell not.

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Classic is still popping off seperatr of hsrdcore…