Why do classic players say, “retail failed.”

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that putting your 10 stat gem in a blue socket for a 6 agility bonus is better than putting it in your chest for no bonus.

Why would they post a 5 million drop in subscribers in one quarter in the first place? Do you think they thought it would look good for them? Did they think everyone would be excited to see the subs had been cut in half in a single quarter? Why did they post the 5 million drop, Ziryus? Why don’t other companies post their subscriber numbers? Maybe your conspiracy theory is wrong? Maybe there’s other reasons to stop reporting subscriber numbers?

/shrug then wherever you’re looking is wrong.

What confuses you about them doing embarrassing thing and then not doing it anymore?

They were obviously proud of their sub counts at one point, when that stopped being the case(catastrophically so) they stopped publishing them. This really isn’t rocket science.

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They published a 5 million drop in subs. Why did they publish a 5 million drop in subs? They didn’t have to do it, but they did.

Why? It’s a simple question, Ziryus.

You might want to check your own gear out, Ziryus.

I’m literally looking at it in game right now, and where ever you are looking is wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

No they didn’t have to, they technically never had to publish sub counts. The numbers only got worse after they stopped publishing them, it’s really not rocket science why that would be embarrassing.

Ziryus, the numbers were worse when they posted for two quarters massive drops in subscribers. I actually just checked and the near 5 million loss was over two quarters. They published two quarters of significant subscriber decline.


That’s not necessarily true. Their big “mistakes” cost them customers at the time, but it’s impossible to claim those players that left would still be playing today had those “mistakes” not been made.

Let’s look at their biggest “mistake” here: No flying in WoD. That was the big design change that actually did cost them millions of players, and the damage was so massive that they actually had to walk that one back and put in Pathfinder. And while it did permanent damage back in 2014/2015, there’s no evidence those players would still be here today had that controversy not happened.

Which was certainly embarrassing for them to do, which is why they stopped doing it., especially since they’ve only gotten worse. Once again not rocket science.

Right so it’s wrong.

Warcraftlogs isn’t lying about your gear, so the one who is lying is… Probably the guy who lies quite often.

So you are saying warcraftlogs is more accurate than what I’m actually seeing in game?

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I’m saying you logged into game and changed your gems and are now claiming that WCL is wrong.

Nope, but whatever helps you sleep at night :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m sure warcraftlogs is going to magical fix the bug and next raid you’ll have perfectly gemmed gear. Because they fixed their Ziryus bug. Not because you regemmed your poorly gemmed gear. Yeah.

You must feel almost as embarrassed as blizzard does about their sub counts :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not the one who couldn’t figure out where to put my +10 stats gem. Anyways, good luck, maybe with that extra 6 agility you’ll be able to outdps Blood DK’s.

And maybe you’ll eventually understand why losing millions of subs is enough of an embarrassment a company might want to stop publishing that metric.

Eh I think adding flying in the first place was a bigger mistake.

I’d agree, and I didn’t care about no flying in WoD myself, but the way they went about it was a big mistake. Their ambiguity with “potential flying in WoD at some point down the line” pre-launch to “oh btw we’re never putting flying back in the game again” in an interview after WoD had already launched was really foolish, and it cost them big.

Even though you and I may not care about it, most retail players want flying, and most of them unsubbed, not just because of no flying but also the scummy way they went about it. Blizzard going back on their decision and eventually putting flying in for WoD didn’t undo much of the damage there.

Agree and Cata was the last WoW expansion. MoP started a new version of the game that doesn’t feel like WoW. Which is why for me Dragonflight is unplayable. It’s just not WoW.

With that said there will never be MoP Classic servers. That’s an oxymoron, MoP is Retail. Also hardly anyone wants to play MoP again lol. Why relive when WoW started to die.

Gonna disagree completely. In WotLK we still have player agency. We weren’t forced into specs like in Cata. We weren’t forced to wear all specific armor types. (Wasn’t plate specialization yet)

Cata Talent tree were the beginning of the Devs trying to “Force us” how they want us to play the game. Good Devs should design a game and get out of the players way.

If I’m a Warrior and want to wear Leather bracers because the stats are great for my build. That is good design. In Cata they added plate specialization penalizing creativity in builds and Theorycrafting.

Cata could of been far better if they expanded on WotLK talent trees. Then added 10 more points so you had 81 points to spend.

What great about Wrath is I can be Prot War but go deep arms or Preg pally and hybrid Ret for insta heals. It’s still WoW at it’s core because of players agency, gearing, stats, talent trees.

MoP removed Talent trees, it gutted the core RPG aspect of WoW. Talent trees needed to be deeper and expanded on not removed. It then introduced horrendous Class design where Class roles disappeared and homogenization took over. Then of course Retail then started to seek out time-gating or time-wasting metrics since that is what they told “investors” what is important.

While I did enjoy WoD because of Glad stance it was a bad expansion and fully going down the dark spiral that is Retail where “investors” matter and the players don’t. It’s now Activision and Blizzard’s soul died a long time ago.

SL killed the franchise, and why DF is failing miserably. It’s just not a recognizable product anymore. WoW fans don’t want to play it because it’s not WoW. Which is why we are here in Wrath. The pinnacle of WoW. Or just playing other games.

As I mentioned above Cata removed a lot of player agency for sure. However MoP ripped it out. SL isn’t even WoW. It’s just Systemlands. WoW died a long time ago and only now exists in Classic.

And yet noone can explain why, flying was a super popular feature that had existed in WC since like WC2, of course people wanted to have their own flying mounts in WoW.

Has nothing to do with retail players, flying was a super requested feature in vanilla and was one of the most anticipated features of TBC when it came out. Putting flying back didn’t undo the damage because at that point it was too late. They had lied about being willing/able to put flying back in on the drop of a dime if removing it proved unpopular and the way they added it back was super passive aggressive and sulky.

EVE online is actually slightly older than WoW, and still growing in its oh so slow way.

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