Why do blue eyes matter so much? Seriously though why the rage?

I’m all for more customization even for void elves but I’m weary about letting them have normal skin tones for then it just becomes the orginal problem of you have the same race on two different faction when they said they don’t want to go down that path again. I really hope there is a solution but I do not know what they can do.

I suppose the flip side example is the Nightborne getting the same skin tones as the Night Elves. Nightborne would get some more options(let’s face it, they desperatly need this) but Night Elf players wouldn’t be too happy since they loose part of their identy and it’s a case of same race, slightly different on different sides even though lore wise they are suppose to be different due to the effects of the Nightwell.

I do realise the situations and outsiding factors like Allies wanting High Elves for as long as people can remember are totally different but this is the situation we’re in. >.< No matter what happens in the end not everyone will be happy.


It’s not the eyes. Alliance just want pretty race they will never get.


This is honestly the main issue, the alliance allied races have just been so cringe-worthy and sad.
I felt actual pain when the void elves, kultirans and mechagnomes were announced lol. On top of it 80% of the kultirans npcs are just regular humans but hey too bad you’re a new race cause you’re fat!
Alliance only get the afterthought races.


I think they can do something else aside from normal skin tones, though. Add some more purples and blues. Some more mixes with greys. Maybe even some purpleish pinks? There are just so few skin tones right now. And the shading around the eyes makes them look like they’re dead to me. I feel like I’m playing a DK all the time. lol

Different, yes. But they are still closer cousins to the Nelfs than Belfs are. They’re not really that much different than Nelfs. The stance, ears and what should have been different faces would’ve been enough. But… they effed up those faces something fierce.


alliance asks for something: zzz
horde asks for the same thing: sure buddies take it and forgive us for not giving it to you sooner


OK, so you think Horde get to decide what the Alliance can get.



I think they do get a say if Alliance is trying to steal their most played race :man_shrugging:


It’s a Slap in the Face© to those who have spent the last few years here kicking, screaming and begging for High Elves on the Alliance. Forgive them, they still think forum feedback is important to Blizzard.


The one they stole first, fair and square? Who are you, Dick Dastardly?

Look, if you cut the chain off my bike, take it apart, paint it red, and put streamers on the handlebars, it’s STILL MY BIKE.


So you’re one of those people. lol


And you’re one of those Hordelings who hides on their undergeared Alliance alt.



I play both factions. I like that both factions are distinct and I want to keep it that way.


Yeah, sure. Three months ago maybe.

Funny how you like to talk about being geared and all of that.

Why is it always a human male paladin?


Well, I did resub about 20 days or so ago and I haven’t played either faction at all. The only things I’ve done since then is appearance change my nelf demon hunter :stuck_out_tongue:

Considering Elves are a reflection of the Germanic/Teutonic people, it makes perfect sense to have blue eyes.

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So you don’t think a character someone claims to play ought to have at least one piece of gear from the current patch, even a WQ? :thinking:

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No they aren’t. Humans and Kul Tirans are far more Germanic than elves ever would or could be.

I mean I wouldn’t want to pander to the Alliance either.

Talk about zzzz

I’ve been in groups with both sides

Alliance is a snooze fest

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You’re 473, but haven’t gotten AOTC, or timed a 15+. So clearly, gear isn’t everything in your case. Which is a shame, if your purple parses are anything to go by.

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