Why did you take the portal away from the Alliance docks? The boat is broken

As the title says. The boat is broken and there’s no way to get to the new zone.


I just used the boat about an hour ago and it seemed fine. What’s happening?

Also: I don’t remember there ever being a portal in beta on the docks for Waking Shores.

So, the boat doesn’t appear at the dock. It appears as it’s leaving the zone - way out in the fatigue zone and too fast to catch on flying mount. Ergo, nobody can get on boat to get over.

This was happening last night and they eventually put in a portal right next to the NPC that gives the time on the dock to just click and port over. Now it’s gone.

So very frustrating. The should leave that portal until the boats are absolutely working correctly.

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the boat isn’t broken and they cant put a portal there, its a hidden que cause the servers cant take anymore load.

They can put a portal there because the did it last night. I know, because I used it.

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they cant cause the servers cant handle more load, I know they can put it there if they want to.

like i said its a secret que system to keep numbers under control in the dragon isles

Oh… they probably did it due to borked servers. My guess is that they’ll either fix it or put that back since the servers borked again.

if they turn the boat back on or leave a port there all the time the game will be unplayable on the dragon isles. Sucks big time I know.

LOL no it wouldn’t.

lol you believe its bug then

It is bugged. Learn what phasing is before you make tin foil theories.

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if there was no problem why not leave the port their till the boat is fixed?

It appears that tonight’s issues go beyond the DF boats or not having a portal to the Waking Isles. Portals and anything else that uses instances to move you around are broken.

Logged into two toons on different servers. Flew one from Oribos to Maldraxxas. My first clue that something was not quite right was when I landed. Tried adjusting my talents but it wouldn’t save the changes. Wouldn’t log out or even exit via the menus either. Tried a toon on a different server. That toon was fine until I tried flying from Stormwind to Oribos. Portal bar never made any progress.

This tells me Blizz is having issues with anything that requires the game to switch from one instance to another.


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There’s no way you actually believe this. If this were even remotely true, do you realize how many people would be demanding compensation? Take off the tin foil hat and go touch some grass.

The problem may be intermittent or confined to one set of servers. I had issues on Dalaran and Executus - didn’t attempt anything on my third server, Eonar.

WoW uses instances in many different ways in the game. They aren’t just dungeons, battlegrounds or raids. Every time you take a boat from Point A to Point B or use a portal you are being transferred from one instance to another. Flights between Orobos and the SL zones also require moving from one instance to another.

If server load is too high, it can affect the stability of these transfers… and would cause exactly the sort of symptoms I - and many others - have experienced.

Ghostlands and Eversong Woods are both instanced zones. That is why you cannot fly there.