Why did you nerf punch cards?!

They probably would have if there was a larger window between last patch and this one, it’s only been two weeks. It’s not like there was a PTR build or anything.

A simple post in the hotfix with an explanation would do as well.

It’s not in the hotfix notes, it’s not even addressed.

That and not nerf the trinkets and punch cards that have already been obtained.

Did not realize you could as I’ve not used the card. But the whole situation seems odd. Of course then again this current group of devs seems completely incapable of learning from past mistakes. Even lab animals eventually learn how to best solve problems.

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I can understand sometimes something has to get nerfed, but usually they give people heads up and warning before hand.

Sometimes things are overtuned, but don’t just drop the nerf bat, and say nothing about it.

Can someone slow down the panic train for a minute and go log in, shift right click the thing and see what the stats say? Or are we all at work?

There was potential information in the midst of this drama, I need a hero

Not bad communication. BAIT AND SWITCH

I have looked at the stats, they were nerfed roughly 45%. It’s not a panic train, it’s a factual stealth nerf.

The stats look identical to me when I shift click it, papa.

What a couple of bro’s. Carry on

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You know, I’m not a conspiracy guy by nature, but I would not put it past them to have intentionally given a strong trinket to lure subs back then nerfed it to make raid trinkets more appealing. I don’t put anything past the current devs anymore.


I don’t really know what you’re on about friend. You asked for confirmation of the nerf, received it, and now you’re insulting people? Doesn’t make much sense…

I dunno, it seems to me it’s more that they accidentally overtuned them. It is a welfare trinket after all.

I’m no chad, but I didn’t think bro was an insult?

Yeah, bro assumes our gender man. It’s 2019.

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My bad, be the best furry predator you can be. I believe in you :stuck_out_tongue:

::edit:: I’m a whale roll so

When I mouse over the trinket, the stats say:

Red: Your abilities have a chance to grant you 1,179 Haste for 12 sec.
(I don’t like channeled abilities, so I never got the other red punchcard)

Yellow: +168 Critical Strike, +56 Mastery.

If I open the socketing UI for the trinket and mouse over the individual punchcards, the stats change:

Red: Your abilities have a chance to grant you 1,179 Haste for 12 sec. (ilvl 404)
Yellow: +171 Critical Strike, +57 Mastery. (ilvl 415)

The blue punchcard is inconsequential and of ilvl 404. The trinket overall comes out to ilvl 410.

I don’t remember exactly what the yellow stats were before today, but I know for sure crit was +280-something.

Edit: in case it matters to anyone, the red punchcard is “Subroutine: Overclock” and yellow one is “Forceful Refined Logic Board”.

Whelp, looks like I’m using up my Item Restoration tonight.

That’s really bad. Holy cow that’s a downgrade.

How very weird the numbers are different. Not significantly different, but they can’t even make those 2 ends meet.

Well, its just a coin flip. Only 50% chance of being wrong.

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