Why did you choose Horde/Alliance?

It was my friend who started me playing and he was Alliance.

When I first started playing, i thought the Horde was evil so I picked Alliance. As it turns out, Horde was originally evil but have started a #TotallyNotEvil and #Misunderstood campaign awhile back and now seem in a weird limbo

i’ve been a fan of the alliance since warcraft 1, only reason i have a horde toon is cause i was a big fan of the taurens in warcraft 3

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I tend to play both because I wanted to see both sides

I started as Alliance because my friends at first were Alliance. Plus Night Elves were cool to me at the time.

I stayed Alliance for a long time especially when Alliance got worgen because werewolves are awesome.

I recently moved to Horde, following my best friend and the Horde getting Vulpera helped that decision. I’m not a fan of BfA Horde, not by a long shot, but seeing where things go.

I started out Horde because that’s where my friends were. When they all quit the game, I rolled Alliance alts since I prefer the races and aesthetics here more. For a while I was bifactional, but a good chunk of Horde purists were so obnoxious about anyone who had Ally toons that I just fully made the switch over.

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i started as Alliance, because of playing WC 1-3 i found to me they were the Righteous side and the Horde (Orcs mainly) were still the Alien Invaders. so i wanted to fight them!

since then i have multi toons on both factions. and i simply love the Overall Story. i still support the Alliance more as i simply believe they are the more Honorable/ Righteous Faction. but i pull for the horde(as a whole, not just select individual’s) so often to get past their Mistakes and Find the Honor and Glory they so Thirst for!

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I always mained Worgen, but found making the exact same class/spec I main on ally as a Vulpera alt to be tempting

im on alliance because stormwinds a good main city

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I picked Alliance because all I knew were that draenei were the crazy, out of place sci-fi aliens and sci-fi is what I like.


Went forsaken warlock because of the vanilla opening cinematic and ended up staying horde because I liked the tribal / native american type cultures more than the more medieval theme of the alliance.

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My boyfriend at the time (husband now and no longer plays) was alliance and said that the horde were the “bad guys” which made me so much more interested in them (typical chick right). They can’t be bad - they are just misunderstood, right? :smirk:

My first toon (still my main) was draenei because I felt all the other races were boring alliance side! I’ve always had horde alts and they are almost always undead or tauren (and now vulpera). When I started playing, I got the impression that the undead weren’t necessarily accepted by the horde so much as tolerated. I felt like they were truly just outsiders either way.

I really like playing both sides because it gives the full story. I wouldn’t say one side’s stories are better than the other and I found the BFA horde quests just as boring as the alliance ones. This was also my biggest problem with horde leveling early on - quest were boring or you had to run across a whole map. I think Cata’s changes to early questing (especially the undead areas) helped a lot for horde leveling and I now have a few max level horde.

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I’ve told it before, but I always like answering these threads:

For Warcraft III, I adored night elves. I wanted to play them since the day I started seeing commercials for WoW. Fast forward to my first experience, I made a Hunter because 13 year old me figured “I like animals, so I can tame them!” But then while I was dallying around in sheer confusion, I saw someone running around as a bear, and I just go “Why tame them when I can become them?!” So I ran up to try and flag him down to ask him how he could turn into an animal. Remember this was my first time playing a game like this, I was mostly PS1 prior to it outside of Warcraft III and Starcraft, so I didn’t know about classes or how to whisper or anything like that.

The guy told me I was an idiot noob for not knowing classes, and that I should kill myself.

That kind of upset me quite a bit, so I logged out and did some research. I finally found that Druids could turn into animals, that was the class, but only night elves and tauren could be them. After experiencing that type of hostility, I made a tauren on the same server. And as luck would have it, my first experience there was a level 60 handing out free, white quality bags to any new player. Sure, they weren’t expensive or amazing bags, but that was my first experience Horde side vs. Alliance.

Been Horde ever since, I don’t think that’ll ever change.


Because my friend was on the alliance and I can roleplay my fantasy of being a buff human.

I originally chose to play as alliance way back in 2004 when the game first came out. I made that decision because I wanted to play paladin and you could only play paladin on the alliance at the time. I also did it thinking it would play more similar to a D2 paladin but boy was I wrong about that lol.

I think what pushed me to horde in vanilla wow was the fact that the horde had a better pvp community and it felt more mature. I noticed a lot less complaining on the horde side and was offered a lot more help then when I played alliance. So I made the switch and never really looked back. Don’t have any regrets.

Alliance has Draenei and Worgen.

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I started as Alliance because I wanted to play a paladin and that was my only option at the time.

I’m currently playing more Horde because that’s where Most of my BNet friends are, but I do have max level druids on both factions.

Aesthetically I enjoy the Alliance side more, even if the Horde has the best race.

My case it was Warcarft 3 and the Night Elves that first pulled me in. Then I saw the Alliance architecture compared to the Horde and wasn’t into the aesthetic of the Horde vs Alliance. I have since played both factions, but my main just feels right still being Night Elf which is Alliance.

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I started as Horde in Vanilla because my friend played Horde. I was Horde until MoP. Then I switched cause I felt like it and haven’t looked back. At this point it’s more of a money thing. I enjoy far too many classes and have way too many maxed out to switch.

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I know that must have been years ago, but what a terrible person to run into. I am glad to see you didn’t let that kind of attitude stop you from playing and you found something you enjoy.