It was fun having a plain and simple bloody feet transmog - it was very battle scarred and wanderer-esque, now they added gigantic silver chains and cuffs to it. Why? It looks so out of place and terrible.
Yeah i saw that too. Literally ruined every mog i had that used those boots.
Ew I hate those ankle cuffs lol
I don’t have it, is it so bad that I need not worry about getting it now?
Have they said anything about changing it?
You cannot get it anymore it was a tp reward
Apparently this tmog
Was suppose to have some really bulky bracelets on the feet… Which they recently fixed.
Please either revert it back to how it was with just the bandages or give us two versions one with and without the bracelets.
Sigh… who disabled my ability to post links/images.
Unless it does return and items have and do return to the TP.
Two versions would be great, because the one with all the dangly stuff still looks cool. But its not the item i have been using for months at this point.
I hope it does it is a great set. I thought you were under the assumption it was still earnable sry.
@Blizzard @Microsoft please unfix
Seriously, the first one is amazing and how it’s been for the better part of a year now, it’s simple and apparent. The second one just looks like random crap thrown together like some sort of modern fashion show.
Same wish goes for pretty much every new tmog they have released.
Yeah it’s great that they can add more 3d stuff to newer models. But it’s not all the time those 3d doodads look good, especially on certain races. So an otherwise sleek looking outfit is unusable because they got a toilet bowl crammed around the neck or a table glued to the chest.
I’m glad I don’t use that appearance; nothing worse than making an outfit only to have Blizzard come in days, weeks, months, or even years later just to change one or more items.
Amazing, yet another common blizzard W.
Truly their capacity to absolutely nail the concerns of their community and fix problems with their game is unparalleled in both speed and acuteness.
Fantastic work.
No, I knew it was a TP reward, I was taking a Wow break when it released! Been hoping it will make a return at some point as yes, it’s a great set!
Our beta licenses expired a little while back.
What’s weird to me is that the first version made everyone’s feet bloody, except for trolls.
I hope they add it back for you soon.
A blood troll set… that doesn’t work with troll feet…
blank stare