Yeah, players want a challenge so much they jump through whatever hoops possible to make content as easy as can be. Same with the people objecting to the incoming ICC buff.
For the most part that’s true. Most players don’t want harder raids. That’s not why they play this game. Raiding is a means to an end, and the game is played outside the raid.
There are people on the opposite end of the camp, who play FOR the raids too and don’t do much else besides that
Whenever I do raid as a dps, I want world buffs so I can pump huge dam and put up fat crits. Though I mainly heal raids. I could care less about them. I get my pvp stuff and go play the actual game outside of the raid
I’d wager thats a small % when it comes to Classic WoW. Retail, perhaps more.
I agree 100%
Agreed, making raid a lot more difficult is not the way to go.
The bigger issue for me and my guild was time investment. I’m a dad player in a dad guild. We raid 3h twice a week on weekdays. Many of us don’t have a lot of extra time outside of that for farming, etc. We have jobs and families and lives to live on the weekends. The time investment necessary outside of raids in SoM made it completely unplayable for us.
I have a feeling there are a lot more people out there like us. Give us a season of dads and watch the $$ roll in.
Not true. I played in a super casual dad guild in vanilla classic, most of those players don’t even use world buffs. The raids are equally as tank and spank as with world buffs, they just take longer.
The people who salivated over world buffs were the hardcore speed runners and parse chasers who turned them into a meta. Ironically, they liked them because it added a layer of challenge in raids that were otherwise extremely easy (death=grey parse).
SoM raids were extremely popular among people who actually leveled to 60. SoM had mediocre numbers because of timing. It came right after TBC just launched and in the middle of one of the best content phases on top of that. With so few changes to shake up the experience, only a niche was going to play it even with no changes.
This is an important part of PvE. I hope we do not see PvP gear with Resilience on it.
I agree with this to an extent.
That said, Classic players are not looking for a shake up in the difficulty of raids. We’ve all been in these raids. We know them, we love them. No one wants to change them outside of padding the HP and damage a bit, to compensate for our own additional damage from Runes.
Just me, but i want them completely changed up. SoD is pretty much a new game. It would be a shame if raiding 6 hours a week is good enough to get you through to the end. I’m not saying make them super difficult. But people should be able to execute basic mechanics. And I say all this knowing I won’t have the time to complete it if this is the case. I mean, give the game a little dignity lol.
YOU are not*, many people who have been asking for classic+ have precisely been asking for this. The SoM changes were very popular among people who actually leveled to 60, it’s just most didn’t level to 60 so soon after vanilla and literally right in the midst of one of the best parts of TBC. Thankfully blizzard recognized that success and said they would incorporate the SoM changes.
I love vanilla despite it being easy, not because of it, and much of vanilla fans share the same sentiment.
Hmm you think?
Well, being that SoD will be a mix between people from Retail and Classic, I don’t know if I’d agree with that. I mean, let’s say a lot of raids aren’t 100% clearable. Maybe 80% - enough to put you in a good spot for the next level band, but only select handful of guilds can do a full clear. I think a lot of people would quit or quit the guild if that were the case. People feel the need to clear all the content.
The raids arent going to be tuned to be more difficult outside of very minor hp buffs.
The devs have repeatedly said they want us to feel powerful. World buffs are in. Every spec can dps now and there are abilities that return mana to casters / healers.
Expect raiding to be easy.
I don’t want them to be, but I also expect them to be easy. That’s what the player base wants these days. In Classic, during the periods where the raids were the “hardest”, they suffered the most attrition.
Actually I’m all for changing the raids quite substantially. It’s Season of Discover after all, not Season of Status Quo. If they change everything dramatically and leave the 60 raids exactly as they are, that’s a pretty big fail for what they are trying to achieve with this season.
Just make the bosses slightly more challenging and cut out half of the trash. Then you have the boss:trash ratio better, but keep the time the same - because a LOT of people are saying they don’t have the time to raid because of life, so increase the challenge on the bosses and have the time spent on bosses higher by removing the trash.
They outright said during BlizzCon that they will adopt the SoM changes in addition to HP increases.
Oh? I must have missed that. In the Crix interview they literally said its too soon to say what they were going to do.
Thats not going to happen. SoM changes perhaps, but were not going to see adjustments to trash counts and what not.
We, none of us, have a clue what we’re going to see. We’ve seen them change a dungeon into a 10 man raid. Anything goes with SoD.
Are there any moms playing in a mom guild? Specifically, a hot moms guild.
I wanna play in that one.
everyone told me that SoM failed cuz everyone wants easy raids though? yeah, I think SoD should have zero raid buffs. ya’ll can have oh so much fun blasting through raid bosses in less than 10 seconds with your world buffs and retail runes that’s what I’ve been told is super fun. So SoD should be fantastically fun
enjoy it. you all deserve it. I’m so happy for you guys.