Why Did N'zoth Have A Smaller N'zoth Inside?

And why didn’t the smaller N’zoth have an even smaller N’zoth that we could take home as a pet?

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Battle Pet Union rules.

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When it comes to WoW lore and writing, it’s best to just let it happen.


I think it was meant to be sort of cosmic horror where even its internals are these living things (think Darkest Dungeon). Dunno if I’d call it well executed though

There are union rules :scream:

Wait, when did the Battle Pets unionize? :open_mouth:

Ask Lavos, I dunno haha.

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Lavos was an old god confirmed. His story about how he came to the planet aligns with the other old gods completely.

The whole getting inside and fighting N’Zoth thing was obviously heavily inspired by Chrono Trigger.

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I’d never even thought about it like that before you mentioned Lavos.

He even looks like an Old God! Not saying it was a ripoff or anything, but there was CLEAR Chrono Trigger inspiration there.

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The entire world of Azeroth resides inside of your character’s N’zoth nightmare.

happened back in Cata. Pet battlers have rights too