Why did neutral factions not react to the burning of Teldrassil?

He says it after you defeat King Mechagon. He, Prince Erazmin, and Tinkmaster Overspark all run in and have a little exchange.

And what I mean to say is that Gazlowe- and especially the Steamwheedle Cartel at large are still neutral. But player perception sees them -and Gazlowe especially- as all but Horde in name because getting involved tends to mean you’re going to interact with one side over another. You have to support, or choose not to support someone.

The easiest way to maintain neutrality in a story is to be left out of it because then nobody can point back to that one time you didn’t kill X over Y, or helped Z do something.


Your welcome.

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You’re about 9 years behind on the lore.

In Stormrage, Teldrassil is actually the last sanctuary against the Emerald Nightmare as it was actively resisting its corruption while the rest of the world had fallen into slumber, and it wanted Malfurion to make it pure. It guided him to the branch of Xavius that was grafted onto the tree and he removed it.

It was cleansed and blessed by Alexstrasza and Ysera, and then the last of the corruption was seen being pushed to the surface in Cata, where it was expunged by the power of Elune.

Teldrassil was completely pure and had the blessing of the two non-AWOL dragon aspects before they gave up their aspect powers to beat Deathwing.


The only blessing it apparently got was blessing of “SUPER FLAMMABLE”.


Blizzard doesn’t care about Night Elves

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Bc blizz’s world building has gone down the drain.

Why else would the Ebon Blade and the Argents sit on their hands for years while Sylvanas spread the curse of undeath left and right?

To be fair, the paladins did split into A vs H but they’re the only ones

We even had a thread about it back in the old forums


Posting the OP:

"And I’m saying this purely from the perspective of a 13-year Horde player. And this is something that could even be fun for those who are okay with Teldrassil’s burning: Sylvanas crossed a line and there need to be consequences for that. There are consequences that make perfect sense already: There are neutral factions that should logically be pushed out of neutrality to take down Sylvanas.

The members of the Horde would be in too desperate of a fight for survival to get into a Civil War and so they’d be forced to learn how to rely on one another. All of this while the Alliance tries to bring down the hammer of justice on the Horde. Y’know, the core concepts of both factions: Desperate outcasts and defenders of justice and good.

The red and green dragonflights should be incensed with the Horde. The greens favor the night elves and blessed the tree, the reds would be furious about the pointless loss of life and the Scourgey vibes Sylvanas is giving off.

Khadgar decided against interfering personally but I doubt the Kirin Tor will be happy post-Teldrassil as they have deep Alliance roots. There’d at least be a discussion, maybe Modera takes the reins.

The Cenarion Circle would absolutely have some sort of split as Night Elves and Worgen reject their Horde counterparts. It might be a splinter, but it’d be weird if the entire faction decided it was cool with the Horde after Teldrassil. And even Darkshore.

The Argent Crusade might splinter off, or the Scarlets might be welcomed into the Alliance - or at least cooperate. The undeath and horrifying loss of life would move them, I’d imagine, especially since both are based out of Lordaeron.

Generally speaking it feels like if these factions didn’t turn on the Horde, then Blizzard is making excuses for them to keep things “fair.” But I don’t want fair for the sake of fair, I want realistic consequences for the decisions the Warchief makes. There should be a diplomatic cost to war crimes. That’s generally how things work in Azeroth. The Kirin Tor turned on the Horde after Theramore and it was great. I felt like a scruffy outcast underdog for the first time since Wrath. I’d love to see that again."

tdlr: mmo plot armor


I assume that many of them having acheived thier goal vis a vis the Burning Legion are now defunct. Rexxar says that he left the Hunter’s order because the hunting in Kul Tiras “was more interesting.”

Turns out Chronicle does say those blessings were indeed super flammable:

Chronicle: Volume III, Page 80:

    The World Tree Nordrassil was imbued with powerful enchantments from the Dragon Aspects, enchantments that granted the night elves immortality and immunity to sickness and disease. Malfuion believe that he and his fellow druids could ignite these magics, causing an explosion that would annihilate Achimonde and the Legion invaders.

    By the time Archimonde reached Nordrassil, Malfurion and his druids had completed their work. Countless incorporeal spirits known as wisps emerged from the forest around Hyjal. They closed in around Archimonde, but they did not attack him. At Malfurion’s urging, they instead channeled their energies into the World Tree and ignited the enchantments within.

    A shockwave of blinding energy erupted from Nordrassil, shaking Kalimdor to its roots. Archimonde was instantly destroyed. So were most of his undead and demons. The Legion’s hopes of seizing the second Well of Eternity were shattered.

Page 81:

    Following the victory, the Horde and the Alliance refugees departed Hyjal in search of new lands to settle. Their tenuous pact would remain, but it would be tested in the years to come.

    Tyrande Whisperwind and Malfurion Stormrage remained in Hyjal and began rebuilding. Most of the surrounding woodlands were in ruins. Worse yet, Nordrassil had been damaged by the explosion. Many of its great roots, which had provided life-giving energies to the world, withered and died. Though Nordrassil would heal in time, the enchantments from the Dragon Aspects were gone.


I wish we knew where Night Elves lived before Teldrassil.

Their population was not negligible so either there were many villages or massive tree cities that supported them.

Living intune with nature doesn’t mean you dont need a roof over your head.

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vindicaar not part of the story they want to tell
cenarius not part of the story they want to tell
gnomes that deradiated gnomeregan or someone coming up with a counter blight device not part of the story they want to tell
who is even leading orcs and trolls not part of the story they want to tell
any of a million things from ebon blade to whatever that can stop sylvanas’ plans not part of the story they want to tell

sylvanas using the horde as her personal army as no one questions her, part of the story they want to tell


Why would any non-night elf care about Teldrassil? The tree was two decades old at the time of it burning. Hardly something to care about in terms of the greater natural world.


Not all peoples are as uncaring or amoral as the Horde’s Vivette.

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That’s not my argument. My argument is why would people in-tune with nature be aware of Teldrassil in the first place? Again, its relatively super young tree. Atop that World Trees themselves being a bit unnatural in the grand scheme of things.



Coming from an undead character. An objection to something being “unnatural” is very hilarious to me.

In the grand scheme of things the Horde wiped out another civilization like the demonic hordes that they are and hence why neutral organizations would probably oppose them.
Because you know.
They usually do to the big bads.


A good number of Azeroth’s “nature guardians” or what have you are older than 20 years.

Uh, I mean sure I guess? Should I post on my non-undead alts?

Okay, except no? Plenty of neutral organizations don’t get involved when the world is going to hell. See the Dragonflights absent in Warcraft 3.

But let me post an example to make my point easier to understand. I’d say Zandalar trolls are pretty in-tune with nature; the whole island nation is filled with their living deities they regularly speak to/worship. Why would Zandalari care about getting involved with Teldrassil? Would a Zandalari even know about Teldrassil given its short lifespan relative to their nation’s history? Keep in mind Zandalar, at the time of Teldrassil burning, was on psuedo-enemy status with the Horde.

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You know the world trees are connected to the dream right, its bad when they die.

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I specifically remember Fandral being chastised by Malfurion in Vanilla for planting a tree without the Dragon Aspect’s blessing.

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I still don’t understand why this time table you keep insisting on matters.

I don’t think all neutral organizations would.
Its not an all or nothing situation here.

We have Most of the order halls would split with some of them like the druids, paladins or kirin tor would have probably stood up with the Alliance against the Horde’s evil behavior.

We have some Druid hall characters and knights of the silverhand participating in the warfronts already. Kirin tor is the big what if still remaining.
But if they do join there is no doubt which side they would join.

They did bless it

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Well thanks for agreeing with me. I specifically pointed out non-night elf folks here. Zandalari are one such example I used devoid of night elves, Earthen Ring is another I could throw in, Ebon Blade, Odyn’s crew, etc.

When? I don’t remember Ysera, Alex, or Nozzy showing up in Night Elf 1-60 questing during Cata