Why did I pay to beta test SL?

SL is the first expansion I’ve paid for and now find myself questioning, “Why did I pay to beta test an expansion?”

Blizz just released Sire Denathrius lfr. Y’all literally had weeks since the last lfr release to get this thing tested. Once Denathrius dies, his sword gets full health. Everyone is stuck in combat while the sword is up, but players can loot and leave, raid does not get put back in queue. Those who died cannot res because of sword. No devs thought to make the sword orange (non-attackable enemy) and take everyone out of combat?

I will NOT be purchasing another expac from Blizz unless they somehow convince me they are making extreme changes to their dev process, including in-house BETA TESTING before releasing content.

I feel like players who don’t buy expansions and are just getting into BfA are not only saving money, but are getting to play content that has already been ironed out. While I’m here, paying to tell Blizz how to fix their software.


A little dramatic don’t you think


No. Very reasonable. It’s one thing after another with this game. Week after week, still wrecked from launch. Every bit of new content comes out, bugged. They’ll be fixing this expansion until the next one comes out.


That wouldn’t solve anything though. They had hundreds if not thousands of Beta / Testers some of which have even been personally invited to Blizzard HQ before to give feedback during the Alpha & Beta period.

What did Blizzard do? Like a angsty teenager, they selectively chose what feedback they listened too.

In-House beta testing would only help on the time-gating portion of things.

Oh… your talking about a raid boss. :eyes:

Uhm… nevermind. :sweat_smile:


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They were called “Beta Testers”. SL Beta was actually a Meta test. Everyone took the opportunity to beta test and did a meta test instead: what are the class changes, best OP classes, what covenants best for each class, what about the leggos, how to run the dungeons/raids, etc. Then they release guides, stream content, and profit on the side to showcase SL content ahead of release and get their guides completed for Day 1.

Yes, got bugged twice on new lfr boss. First time entering instance, it spawned me in the beginning, boss is at end. Beginning had no teleport mirrors up and all paths out of the first boss chamber were locked. Lfr groups are great and they started the boss immediately, which locked that door too. All I could do was leave instance group and take a debuff, thanks Bliz.

2nd time was the sword instance. Everyone was stuck in combat so they couldn’t res, was like the boss fight was still happening but Denathrius died and was lootable. So the raid group emptied instead of downing the sword. Solution was remaining people either leave or die. When you res though, you res at the top and have to jump down a long fall to get to Denathrius = fall to death. Good job small indie dev team. Something I expect from an early release alpha game on Steam.

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One bug that isn’t even a 100 replication rate and you’re throwing a fit lmao.

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Not a 100 replication rate…like the disco bug? Yes, I would throw a fit over that. I’m spending good money to play WoW, not like it’s a free game. Guess you just have cash piling up around your mansion like dust bunnies though.

Go write me some perfect code with literally zero bugs and tell me how it goes.

Spend your money on something better I guess.

Give me a multi-million dollar company and I’ll deliver.


“I’ve never coded in my life”

Don’t talk then


I was pretending to be you there pal.

You failed



You don’t know how coding works. Chill or leave.

You don’t know how code development works. Chill or leave.


To be fair, this is an extremely bugged expansion. Its not just Sire. You can tell this expansion was rushed, even with the delay. SL needed a few more months in the oven.


To be fair though, this is disingenuous. Code for even a small function won’t ever be perfect and as the platform develops it will have to change too.

I used to make small programs in Android Studio and just a new version could cause issues.

I do think the point OP brings about Sire being bugged is legitimate criticism of development here even if it’s not the way I would word it.


They look for feedback to feed their confirmation bias. Covenants, loot drop rate… etc.


What other frequent bugs exist?

I must be extremely lucky because I haven’t experienced any bugs, or at least any that affected me in any way.